我的课余爱好我的课余爱好可称的上是五花八门,丰富多彩像:唱歌,跳舞,跳皮筋。 我样样喜欢,可我较喜欢的还是打羽毛球了。 My extracurricular hobbies can be described as various, colorful as: singing, dancing, rubber band dancing. I like everything, but my favorite is playing badminton. 遥,我早早的就起来了,因为,遥我要和爸爸到广场上打羽毛球,然后,我就拿好球拍和羽毛球跟爸爸到广场上打羽毛球,刚开始我先发球,我一打爸爸接住了,然后,爸爸猛的一打,我接住了,我在一打爸爸又接住了,气的我不得不使出遥招,我用尽全身力量使劲一打,打的非常远,然后,爸爸去追球,可是,怎么追也追不上,这回爸爸可接不着球了,乐得我一蹦三尺高,就这样我和爸爸的羽毛球大战在欢笑中结束了。 Today, I got up early, because today, I'm going to play badminton in the square with my father. Then, I'll take my racket and badminton and play badminton in the square with my father. At the beginning, I served first. I caught my father in a dozen. Then, my father hit me hard. I caught my father again in a dozen. I had to use my best power Then, Dad went to catch up with the ball, but he couldn't catch up with it. This time, dad couldn't catch the ball. I was so happy that I jumped three feet high, so the badminton war between Dad and me ended in laughter. 打羽毛球可以锻炼我们身体的灵活和手、眼睛的协调遥,所以我爱的羽毛球。 Playing badminton can exercise our body's flexibility and the coordination of hands and eyes, so I love badminton.