稻田卫士今年,农民伯伯又在田野里种了许多麦苗,农民伯伯希望能收个好价遥。 This year, the farmer uncle planted a lot of wheat seedlings in the field again. The farmer uncle hopes to get a good price. 有一对大大的眼睛,一个小小的鼻子,一张大大的嘴,身上穿了一件绿遥的衣服,四条长短不一样的腿。 There are a pair of big eyes, a small nose, a big mouth, wearing a green clothes, four legs of different lengths. 首先,青蛙的两条腿一弹,青蛙便立即跳了起来,接着伸出它长长的舌头,较后,青蛙终于抓到了害虫。 First of all, the frog jumped up as soon as his legs bounced. Then he stretched out his long tongue. Finally, the frog caught the pest. 过了几个月的时光,田野里的麦苗都长大了,农民伯伯可高兴了,他们非常感谢稻田卫士—“青蛙”。 After a few months, the wheat seedlings in the field have grown up. The farmer is very happy. They are very grateful to the rice field guard - "frog".