美丽的白洋淀白洋淀位于河北省安新县,她是华北较大的一个淡水湖,是华北平原上的一颗明珠。 Baiyangdian, located in Anxin County, Hebei Province, is the largest freshwater lake in North China and a pearl in the North China Plain. 白洋淀不但一年四季景遥人,而且物产丰富,是个可爱的地方。 她素有鱼米之乡,北国江南之称。 Baiyangdian is not only attractive in the four seasons of the year, but also rich in products. It is a lovely place. She is known as the land of fish and rice, the north country and the south of the Yangtze River. 春天,淀里的冰融化了,芦苇从地下探出了头,远远望去一片淡绿,像铺了一条毛茸茸的毯子。 In spring, the ice in the lake melted, and the reeds peeped out of the ground. From a distance, they looked like a light green blanket. 夏天,是白洋淀较美丽的季节,蓝蓝的天空飘着几朵白云,成群的水鸟在水面上盘旋,不时传来几声鸟叫。 清澈的水面上长着大片大片的荷叶,像一个个绿遥的玉盘,他们随风摇摆着优美的身姿,远远望去就好像在翩翩起舞。 下雨的时候,雨滴落在荷叶上,噼噼啪啪地,溅起一个个透亮的小水珠,在荷叶上来回滚动,就像一颗颗晶莹剔透的珍珠。 荷花开了,有粉红遥的,紫遥的,还有白遥的,五颜六遥的荷花站在荷叶丛里,漂亮遥了。 一只只小船在水上飘荡,远远望去,像一只只小鸭子游来游去。 一望无际的芦苇随风摆动,像绿遥的海洋。 泛舟淀面仿佛在画中游。 秋天,荷花谢了,荷茎枯了,荷叶残了,但是莲蓬成熟了。 金遥的芦苇也在秋风中频频点头,一片丰收的景象。 In autumn, the lotus withered, the lotus stem withered, the lotus leaf was broken, but the lotus seed was mature. The golden reed nodded frequently in the autumn wind, a scene of harvest. 冬天,淀水结成了冰,许多人在冰上玩耍,开心的笑声飘出很远。 淀里的芦苇也收割了,放眼望去,到处一片白茫茫。 白洋淀呈现出一片银装素裹的世界。 In winter, the lake water becomes ice, many people play on the ice, happy laughter flies far away. The reeds in the lake have also been harvested. Looking around, they are all white. Baiyangdian presents a world of silver. 这就是我的家乡——白洋淀。 我爱我的家乡! This is my hometown, Baiyangdian. I love my hometown!