春天的发现春天到了,河面上的冰融化了,小溪又重新开始唱起歌来,小鸟叽叽喳喳地叫着,好像在说:“小溪,小溪,你真美丽,唱歌遥世界遥”。 When spring comes, the ice on the river melts, and the stream begins to sing again. The birds chirp, as if to say: "the stream, the stream, you are so beautiful, singing competition is the first in the world. ". 柳树摇着绿遥的大辫子,得意的跳起舞来,蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去,好像在说:“跳吧,跳吧,你的舞姿很美很美,跳舞遥数你遥”。 The willow tree shakes its green braids and dances proudly. The butterflies fly around in the flowers, as if to say, "dance, dance, your dancing is very beautiful, and you are the first in the dance competition. ". 我们脱下冬日的棉衣,在校园里绿油油的草地上玩耍、嬉戏,春天真是一个美丽的季节! We take off our winter cotton padded clothes and play on the green grass on campus. Spring is really a beautiful season!