第遥放风筝一个风光旖旎风和日丽的上午,妈妈带我去公园放风筝。 One beautiful and sunny morning, my mother took me to fly a kite in the park. 到了公园我迫不及待地拿起风筝,遥观花地把风筝扔向天空,结果风筝啦的一下摔了个跟头掉落在地上。 第二次,还是照样子,结果风筝重重地摔在地上,这时我看看妈妈,“妈妈的脸比风筝看我的脸还难以置信”,我怯怯地向妈妈求救。 妈妈耐人寻味地教我把风筝放起来了,然后一紧一松地抽线,一边慢慢腾腾地跑,这样风筝就飞起来了。 可是跑了几圈后,我跑不了,风筝慢悠悠地降落了下来,“不好! ”妈妈大声喊到,我一听赶忙向风筝看去,原来风筝落在树杈上了。 When I got to the park, I couldn't wait to pick up the kite and throw it into the sky. As a result, the kite fell to the ground. The second time, it was still as it was, and the kite fell heavily on the ground. At this time, I looked at my mother, "my mother's face is more incredible than the kite's looking at my face. " I timidly asked my mother for help. My mother taught me to fly the kite thoughtfully. Then I drew the string tightly and loose, and ran slowly, so that the kite would fly. But after a few laps, I couldn't run. The kite landed slowly, "no! " My mother cried out, as soon as I heard it, I hurriedly looked at the kite, which had landed on the branch of the tree. 通过学习,我明白了个道理,俗话说的好“失败乃遥之母”。 不管做什么事情都要多动脑筋,勤思绪万千,总结失败的原因,一定能遥。 Through learning, I have learned a truth. As the saying goes, "failure is the mother of success". No matter what you do, you should always use your brain, think about everything, summarize the reasons for failure, and you will surely succeed.