污染环境的结果随着技术的发展,我们生活中的垃圾也越来越多。 With the development of technology, there are more and more rubbish in our life. 一天小鱼和小燕子在谈话。 One day the fish and the swallow were talking. 小燕子说:“小鱼,我真羡慕你哦。 ”Little swallow said, "little fish, I envy you so much. "小鱼说:“为什么? ”"Why? " said the little fish小燕子说:“因为在水里不像在天空中有那么多有害空气。 ”"Because there is not so much harmful air in the water as in the sky," said the swallow小鱼说:“你以为在水里好过吗? 里面全是垃圾! ”The little fish said, "do you think it's better in the water? It's full of rubbish! "“真不知道人类是怎么想的。 ”两只小动物一起说。 “要是人类不制造垃圾那该多么好啊! ”"I don't know what people think. " Two little animals said together. "If only man didn't make rubbish! "所以,我在这里提倡:请人类不要再过多的制造垃圾了,请还小动物们一个绿遥家园。 So, I advocate here: please don't make too much rubbish, please return small animals to a green home.