即将来到的期中考试这学期又过了一半的时间了,老师要对我们这两个月来所学知识是否掌握,进行遥测试——期中考试。 Half of the semester is over again. The teacher is going to test whether we have mastered the knowledge we have learned in the past two months - mid-term exam. 遥班主任周老师告诉我们,星期三学校将进行期中考试,三年遥要考语文、数学、英语等共五项科目。 同学们听到这个消息后,一个个都满脸苦恼,有几个调皮的男同学还假装晕了过去。 Today, teacher Zhou, the head teacher of the class, told us that the school will have a mid-term exam on Wednesday. In the third grade, there will be five subjects, including Chinese, math and English. When the students heard the news, they were all worried. Some naughty boys pretended to faint. 放学回到家,我把考试的事情告诉了妈妈,妈妈对我说:“琪琪,你要以一颗平常心去对待这次考试。 这两天你就不要再玩了,抓紧时间氢掌握的不是很好的地方再复习一遍。 比如:语文方面那些要背的课文、新学的生字再读一遍,背一遍;数学方面的面积、对称、平移和旋转,特别是面积里面的公式一定要背熟。 在考试的时候千万不别紧张,也不要粗心大意。 如果考得不好,我们再来分析原因,只要你努力了,你就是较棒的。 ”晚上,我躺在遥了,怎么也睡不着,妈妈的话一直在我的心里反复的出现。 When I came home from school, I told my mother about the exam. My mother said to me, "Qiqi, you should treat the exam with a common heart. Don't play again these two days. Hurry up and review what you don't know well about hydrogen. For example: in Chinese, those texts and new words that need to be memorized should be read and memorized again; in mathematics, the area, symmetry, translation and rotation, especially the formula in the area, must be memorized. Don't be nervous or careless in the exam. If you don't do well in the exam, let's analyze the reasons. As long as you work hard, you are the best. " At night, I lay in bed, how can not sleep, mother's words have been in my heart repeatedly. 虽然我对这次考试并不是信心十足,但是我一定会认真去面对的。 Although I am not confident in this exam, I will face it seriously.