我与轮滑的故事较近,很多同学都买了轮滑,我看了后格外羡慕,就和妈妈商量,希望给我也买一对。 Recently, a lot of students have bought roller skating. After I saw it, I envied it very much. I discussed with my mother, hoping to buy a pair for me. 妈妈买回了轮滑,只见它长着三只“大眼睛”,是红、黑、白相间的,看上去很神气。 刹那间,我就下决心要征服它。 Mother bought back the roller skate, only to see it has three "big eyes", which are red, black and white. It looks very impressive. In an instant, I made up my mind to conquer it. 这天,我邀请了我的同班同学于卓平与我一起到广场去学轮滑。 This day, I invited my classmate Yu Zhuoping to go to the square with me to learn roller skating. 遥的广场人声遥沸,数百名轮滑爱好者早已遥一堂,兴高采烈,遥自在地驾驭着脚下的轮滑,好不惬意。 看到这些,我们连忙像小孩学步似地兴致勃勃地开始学了起来,可我穿上轮滑没走出几步便一遥坐到了地上。 心里想着:不就摔摔跤吗? 有什么大不了的! 继续练。 我和于卓平小手拉小手,一步一步地慢吞吞地溜着。 看着那些技术高超的哥哥姐姐们,我也不由自主地跟着他们的节奏溜快了起来,而且越来越快。 我心里一阵兴奋,大叫了起来:“我遥啦! 我终于会溜了。 ”说话间,我又摔倒在地上了。 这一下,可把我的鼻子气歪了。 我生气地拍打着轮滑,喃喃地说道:“哼,怎么溜也溜不好,不溜了! ”于是,我便坐到椅子上,看着别人溜。 于卓平看见广场上没了我的身影,便到处找我。 她看到我坐在椅子上不溜了,一脸疑惑,问道:“你是怎么啦? 为什么不溜了? ”我懊恼地说道:“溜十步,摔九步,你说我还会溜吗? ”于卓平说:“做什么事都要有个过程的。 ”见我不吱声又接着说:“来,我带你一起溜吧! ”我说:“不,我不去! ”只见她撅着小嘴儿说道:“你真是好心当成驴遥肺。 你不溜,我还不教了呢! ”说完,就生气地走了。 At the weekend, the square was full of people, hundreds of roller skaters had already gathered together. They were very happy and could freely control the roller skate under their feet. Seeing this, we quickly began to learn like children, but I put on the roller skate and sat on the ground without a few steps. Thought to myself: don't you just fall? What's the big deal! Keep practicing. Yu Zhuoping and I took small hands and slowly slipped step by step. Looking at those highly skilled brothers and sisters, I can't help but follow their rhythm and slip faster and faster. I was excited and shouted, "I've made it! At last I'll slip away. " While talking, I fell to the ground again. This time, my nose is crooked. I slapped the roller skate angrily and murmured, "hum, it's not good to skate, it's not! " So I sat on the chair and watched others slip. Yu Zhuoping saw that there was no figure of me in the square, so he looked for me everywhere. She saw me sitting on the chair and did not slide away. She looked puzzled and asked, "what's the matter with you? Why don't you slip? " "I said regretfully:" slip ten steps, fall nine steps, you say I can slip "There has to be a process to do everything," Yu said Seeing that I was silent, he went on, "come on, I'll take you with me! " I said, "no, I won't go! " She pouted out her lips and said, "you are so kind as a donkey. If you don't slip, I won't teach you! " With that, he left angrily. 这时,我看到一个小女孩,她大概还没上小学。 她溜的时候,也是像我一样不时摔倒,可她却没有后退,坚强地忍着痛,遥次摔倒又遥次站起来。 我想:一个小女孩都不怕摔跤,这么坚强,这么执着,我为什么就不能坚持? 我的心中顿时浮起了一个巨大的问号。 于是,我鼓起勇气站了起来,决心一定要学会轮滑。 在之后的练习中,我克服了一个又一个困难,没几天就学会了轮滑。 看到我轻松自如地溜着,姿态洒脱、飘逸,于卓平、爸爸和妈妈都不禁为我喝彩,我的心里立刻涌起了一股暖流。 At this time, I saw a little girl. She probably didn't go to primary school. When she slipped, she fell down from time to time just like me, but she didn't step back and stood up again and again. I think: a little girl is not afraid of wrestling, so strong, so persistent, why can't I insist? There was a huge question mark in my heart. So I got up my courage and stood up, determined to learn how to skate. In the following practice, I overcame one difficulty after another, and learned to skate in a few days. Seeing that I was easy to slide, free and easy, Yu Zhuoping, his father and mother could not help cheering for me, and my heart immediately surged up a warm current. 是啊,功夫不负有心人。 只要我们付出了,就一定会有好的回报。 Yes, Kung Fu is not inferior to those who want it. As long as we pay, there will be a good return.