保护母亲河——温瑞塘河大家好,我是你们瑞安人的母亲河——温瑞塘河。 遥的我又黑又臭,身上的“跳蚤”(漂浮物)弄得我别提有多难受了。 我好怀念从前的日子呀! Hello, everyone. I'm your mother river, Wenruitang River. Now I'm black and smelly. The flea on me makes me feel so bad. I miss the old days so much! 那时候,我的“血液”是那样的清,清得能看见河底的枯枝、石块,连河底的白鹅卵石也粒粒可数。 At that time, my "blood" was so clear that I could see the dead branches and stones at the bottom of the river, and even the white goose pebbles at the bottom of the river could be counted. 那时候,我的“血液”是那样的绿,远看就像一张用翡翠铺成的地毯。 At that time, my "blood" was so green that it looked like a carpet made of emerald. 那时候,我的“血液”是那样的甘甜,人们只要装上一瓢,尝一口,准会情不自禁地赞美道“这水这么甘甜! ,比蜜都甜哩! ”At that time, my "blood" was so sweet that people could not help but praise "this water is so sweet! "! It's sweeter than honey! "那时候,我还吸引来许许多多的“小客人”。 小鱼在我的身体里游过来,游过去,还不时地挠我痒痒;小虾在我身上跳高……At that time, I also attracted many "little guests". The little fish came and swam in my body, and tickled me from time to time; the little shrimp jumped high on me如今,我那么黑,黑得都可以当墨汁了;那么臭,臭得人们走过时都捂住鼻子,一溜烟地跑掉……我全身伤痕累累,这一切都是你们的“杰作”。 Now, I am so black that I can be used as ink; so smelly that people cover their noses and run away quickly when they pass by I am full of scars, all of which are your "masterpieces". 我多么希望我的“小客人”再来做客呀! 人类呀,你们快快醒悟过来吧,保护我,保持生态平衡,爱护大自然吧! How I wish my "little guest" would come again! Human beings, wake up quickly, protect me, keep ecological balance, and love nature!