幻想中的花园我幻想中的花园十分美丽而且奇妙。 The garden in my imagination is very beautiful and wonderful. 走进大门,首先看到的是个大花坛。 花坛里有各种各样的鲜花。 有艳丽的蔷薇,遥的牡丹,淡雅的昙花,鲜艳的玫瑰,清香的米兰……花坛的旁边是一个小凉亭。 凉亭的石柱上围绕着一圈圈牵牛花,凉亭的周围还长着一些淡紫遥的兰花。 Entering the gate, the first thing I saw was a big flower bed. There are all kinds of flowers in the flower bed. There are gorgeous roses, noble peonies, elegant Epiphyllum, bright roses, fragrant Milan Next to the flower bed is a small pavilion. The stone pillars of the pavilion are surrounded by a circle of morning glory, and there are some lavender orchids around the pavilion. 还有一些奇妙的你们谁也不知道的鲜花。 如“解饿花”,只要你闻一下它,你饥肠辘辘的肚子一下子就饱饱的了。 还有“开胃花”,只要你闻了它,你的肚子马上就饿了,胃口立刻大开,吃起饭来香喷喷的。 另外还有“勤快花”。 闻了“勤快花”的人就变得非常爱劳动,做多少事也不会觉得累。 还有我较想要的“聪明花”。 如果你想自己变得很聪明,就闻一下“聪明花”吧,你就会很聪明,什么题目都会做,再难写的作文你也会写。 如果你觉得很忧愁,就赶紧闻一下“快乐花”吧,让“快乐花”带给你无比的快乐。 And some wonderful flowers that none of you know. Such as "hunger flower", as long as you smell it, your hungry stomach will be full at once. There is also "appetizer", as long as you smell it, your stomach will be hungry immediately, and your appetite will open immediately, and you will have a delicious meal. In addition, there are "diligent flowers". Smell "diligent flowers" people become very labor loving, do not feel tired. And the "smart flower" I want most. If you want to become very smart, just smell "smart flower", you will be very smart, you can do all the subjects, and you can write compositions that are no longer difficult to write. If you feel very sad, just smell the "happy flower", let the "happy flower" bring you incomparable happiness. 这就是我幻想中的花园。 This is my imaginary garden.