我闯祸之后有遥我数学单元考试考了81分。 我看着这红艳艳的81分,心里忐忑不安。 Once I got 81 marks in the math unit test. I look at the red 81 points and feel uneasy. 回到家后,我匆匆忙忙地把试卷藏好了。 过了一会儿,我心想:俗话说的好,纸里面包不住火。 还是把试卷给妈妈看吧。 可我想,如果我把试卷给妈妈看,那不就是自寻死路吗也许会有一场男子单打、女子单打,甚至是男女混合打的遭遇战呢? 但我左思右想,想来想去还是觉得逃不过去,于是鼓起勇气,把试卷交给了妈妈。 When I got home, I hid the paper in a hurry. After a while, I thought to myself: as the saying goes, there is no fire in the paper. I'd better show my mother the test paper. But I think, if I show my mother the test paper, isn't it self-help? Maybe there will be a men's singles, women's singles, or even a mixed fight? But I think about it, think about it or think it can't escape, so I summoned up courage and gave the test paper to my mother. 没想到妈妈竟然语重心长地对我说:“没关系,这次没考好,下次再努力。 ”I didn't expect my mother to say to me: "it doesn't matter. I didn't do well in the exam this time. I will try again next time. "我松了一口气,心想:太好了,总算没挨打。 还没想完了,爸爸竟然回来了,我的心又回到了嗓子眼。 I took a sigh of relief and thought, "that's great, I haven't been beaten at all. ". I haven't thought about it yet. My father has come back. My heart is back to my throat. 爸爸一手拿着试卷,一手指着我说:“饭桶! 白养活你那么多年,就用这么一点分数来报答我,吃完饭后看我怎么收拾你! ”Dad took the test paper in one hand and pointed to me and said, "shibby! White raise to live you so many years, with such a little score to repay me, after eating, see how I clean up you! "吃完饭后,爸爸瞪着眼睛,嘴巴紧紧地闭着,从牙齿里发出吱吱的响声,捏着拳头,走进厕所,拿出一根长50多厘米的棍子,打在我身上,看见我没反应,又打了几下,直到把棍子打断为止。 我哭得那个惨哦,简直惨不忍听。 After dinner, Dad stared, his mouth tightly closed, his teeth squeaked, he squeezed his fist, walked into the toilet, took out a stick more than 50 cm long, hit me, saw I didn't respond, and hit several times, until the stick was interrupted. I cried so hard that I couldn't bear to hear it. 睡觉前,爸爸对我说:“我知道我不对,不应该下手对你那么狠,爸爸以后一定改,不过以后你可不要考这么低,爸爸会很没有面子的,懂吗? ”我点了点头。 Before going to bed, my father said to me, "I know I'm not right. I shouldn't be so cruel to you. My father must change later. But you can't take such a low test later. My father will have no face, OK? " I nodded. 从那以后,我再没有考过这么低的分数了。 I haven't had such a low score since then.