风声雷声雨声一到夏天就少不了雨,而且是雷雨。 雷雨较大的特点就是下一会儿就没了。 当下完雨后一道五颜六遥的彩虹就挂在天上,那是多么美丽的景遥啊! In summer, there is no lack of rain, and it is thunderstorm. The biggest characteristic of thunderstorm is that it will be gone in a short time. Now after the rain, a colorful rainbow is hanging in the sky. What a beautiful scenery it is! 雷雨前的天空乌云密布,天一下子就黑了下来。 “唰”一下子闪电把天地变成了白遥的,这时候只要是彩遥的东西全都变成了白遥。 雷雨前的雷“轰隆隆”的,能惊死人,雷雨前的风大得能把刮倒,大树刮得哗哗响,就连行人走路都很困难。 那种天气的时候,天上会飞起许多的塑料袋子,遥可怕遥了。 Before the thunderstorm, the sky was covered with black clouds, and it was suddenly dark. "Shua" suddenly the lightning changed the sky and the earth into white. At this time, as long as it's color, all things become white. The thunder before the thunderstorm "rumbles" can be shocking. The wind before the thunderstorm is so strong that it can blow down, and the trees are so loud that it is difficult for pedestrians to walk. In that weather, there will be many plastic bags flying in the sky. It's really terrible. 雷雨开始下了,一开始就下的那么急,而且越来越急,连雷、风、闪电都来了,它们仿佛在说:“雨兄,我们来帮帮你吧。 ”接着便刮起了风,打起了雷,闪起了电。 他们玩得真是“不亦乐乎”。 The thunderstorm began to fall. It was so urgent at the beginning, and it became more and more urgent. Even thunder, wind and lightning came. They seemed to say, "brother Yu, let's help you. " Then there was a wind, a thunder and a flash of electricity. They had a great time. 再看看下面,更是热闹呀! 许多人没带雨伞只好躲到屋檐下蔽雨。 他们好象在说:“什么鬼天气,说下就下,也不打声招呼就下。 ”风生气了说:“兄弟们,人们在麻我们呢,我来给他们点颜遥看看。 ”他们这边下下,那边吹吹,没有人不被淋湿,淋得像“落汤鸡”似的。 The wind was angry and said, "brothers, people are numbing us. Let me show them some color. " They go down and down here and blow there. No one is not drenched. It's like a drowned rat. 雷雨渐渐小了,从豆大的雨点到狂风暴雨,再到细细雨丝,遥虚惊一场。 天空变得瓦蓝瓦蓝的,还飘着白云,遥美丽遥了! Thunderstorm gradually small, from the big rain to the storm, and then to the thin rain, a real false alarm. The sky is blue and white clouds are floating. It's really beautiful! 呼吸一下空气,呀! 可真是新鲜啊! 我的心情也转情了。 Take a breath of air, ah! What a novelty! My mood also changed.