做心形卡“为什么老剪不好心形”我气得头上直冒火……"Why can't I always cut my heart? " I was so angry that my head went up好不容易剪成了一个,我可高兴了! 连蹦带跳地,跟个蜻蛙似的,我就一会儿画一会儿写,有时像一只玩皮的小猴,又有时像一个淑女。 I'm so happy that I finally cut it into one! Like a dragonfly frog, I would draw and write for a while, sometimes like a little monkey playing with skin, sometimes like a lady. 终于做好了! 等等有几个空地方,该画什么呢? 别看我手里拿着笔在玩,但我还是在想,干脆画几个地球吧! Finally done! Wait, there are several spaces. What should I draw? Don't see me playing with a pen in my hand, but I still think, just draw some earth! 我把做好的心形卡给邻居 邻居家的大伯,今年50多岁了,看到了我做的心形卡,乐得跟个招财猫似的,别提有多开心了。 过了一两天在咱家的信箱里有一张我做的心形卡,后面写着:是的,人们就应该这样少开一天车,向社会贡献点什么。 After a day or two, there was a heart-shaped card I made in our mailbox. It said: Yes, people should drive less one day to contribute to society.