学游泳我盼望已久的暑假终于到了。 遥下午,天气奇热,我和妈妈像往常一样来到游泳班培训。 在路上,我和妈热得汗流浃背,衣服像洗了一样湿。 My long-awaited summer vacation finally arrived. This afternoon, it was very hot. My mother and I came to the swimming class for training as usual. On the way, my mother and I were sweating and the clothes were as wet as they were washed. 我换上了衣服。 一进游泳池,那碧绿的水让人看了也凉快了不少。 我跳进了游泳池,水里凉丝丝的,真舒服。 教练先教我换气,教练说:“先吸一口气,再用鼻子吐气。 ”我做了五六次,就学会了,然后教练又都教我打水,我抓紧栏杆,用腿使劲拍打水面,拍了几下,就觉得很累,为了学会打水,我仍然坚持着练,较后终于学会了打水。 真简单! I changed into clothes. Once in the swimming pool, the green water makes people feel cool. I jumped into the swimming pool. It was cool and comfortable. The coach taught me to breathe first. The coach said, "take a breath, and then breathe through your nose. " I did it five or six times, and I learned it. Then the coach taught me to draw water. I grasped the railing, slapped the water with my legs, and felt very tired after a few taps. In order to learn how to draw water, I still practiced, and finally learned how to draw water. Simple! 接着我又学了腿的动作和手的动作。 教练说:“先把手划到大腿上,再把头抬起来吸一口气,较后再蹬腿。 ”我按照教练的方法做了好多次,呛了很多次水,我有些害怕了,教练好像看出了我的心思,支持我说:“不要怕,再练几次就好了。 ”于是我又练了好几次,比上几次好多了,呛水的次数也逐渐地少了,但游得很近。 不管不多苦,有多累我只加了把劲,游得越来越远了。 “功夫不负不心人”,我终于学会了游泳。