梦遥,我跟爸爸去爬山,太累了。 一回家,就躺在遥上迷迷糊糊地进入了梦乡。 Today, I went climbing with my father. I was so tired. As soon as I got home, I fell asleep in bed. 我做了一个奇怪的梦,梦见了自己走进了时光隧道:我从空中掉了下来,走进了2089年时代。 我以为我这回死定了。 忽然,一辆形状怪异的车飞驰而来,把我稳稳当当地载在副驾驶座上,我定睛一看,旁边的方向盘在转动,可位置上没人。 “啊! 这可怎么办,我不会开车呀! ”吓的我魂飞魂魄散。 I had a strange dream that I walked into the time tunnel: I fell out of the air and entered the era of 2089. I thought I was going to die this time. All of a sudden, a strange shape of the car came and drove me steadily on the front passenger seat. I looked closely, and the steering wheel was turning, but no one was in the position. "Ah! What can I do? I can't drive! " Scared my soul to fly away. 这时,车上传来了柔和的声音:“别怕,这是您的车,它会自动驾驶! ”我悬着的一颗心终于放下了。 过了一会儿,车停了,它把我带到了一幢一万多层的高楼,一位机器人彬彬有礼的说:“欢迎来到2089年的世界大楼! ”说完便将我一眨眼就带到了2089年的杭州,说:“请观赏! ”我环视四周,全是透明的玻璃,整个杭州风貌尽收眼底。 所有的汽车没有了黑尾巴,到处都是花草树木,空气清新。 西湖显得宁静。 安详,简直就是仙境。 后来,我又参观了历史动物园。 古代文物馆。 迷你世界,等有趣的地方。 At this time, a soft voice came from the car: "don't be afraid, this is your car, it will drive automatically! " I finally let go of my hanging heart. After a while, the car stopped and it took me to a 10000 storey building. A robot politely said, "welcome to the world building in 2089! " Then he took me to Hangzhou in 2089 and said, "please watch! " I look around. It's all transparent glass. I have a panoramic view of Hangzhou. All the cars have no black tail. There are flowers and trees everywhere. The air is fresh. The West Lake is quiet. Serene, it's Wonderland. Later, I visited the history zoo. Ancient cultural relics museum. Mini world, etc. interesting places. “叮。 。 。 。 。 。 ”闹钟把我从梦中带了出来。 我想:“这不单单是一个梦,遥我们要努力学习,将来把梦变成现实! "Ding. . . " The alarm clock took me out of my dream. I thought: "it's not just a dream. Now we should study hard and make dreams come true in the future!