郑州亮起来了郑州是一座交通便利,经济发达,且历史悠久的文化名城。 随着近几年来的发展,它发生了翻天覆地的变化。 Zhengzhou is a famous cultural city with convenient transportation, developed economy and long history. With the development in recent years, it has undergone tremendous changes. 尤其是每当夜幕降落,郑州就亮起来了。 整个郑州城变成了灯的海洋,光的世界。 Especially when night falls, Zhengzhou lights up. The whole city of Zhengzhou has become a sea of lights and a world of light. 金水路华灯高照,川流不息的汽车车灯闪烁,像银河从天而将。 二七纪念塔焕然一新变得光彩夺目。 登高远眺,四周绚丽多彩。 彩灯勾画出一幢幢高大建筑物的雄伟轮廓。 Golden water road lights, the flow of car lights flashing, like the Milky way from the sky. The 27th memorial tower is shining with new colors. Climbing high and looking out, it's colorful all around. Colored lights delineate the majestic outlines of tall buildings. 大石桥上,一座座立交桥犹如道道彩虹。 街道上,照明灯,草坪灯,喷泉灯,礼花灯,装点着美丽的郑州。 On the Dashi bridge, there are many overpasses like rainbow roads. On the street, lights, lawn lights, fountain lights, fireworks lights, decorate the beautiful Zhengzhou. 绿城广场成了人们夜晚休闲散步的好去处。 那里还有四个高大的由玻璃制成的柱子灯,在音乐喷泉的伴奏下,柱子灯不断地变化颜遥,使绿城广场成为了一道靓丽的风景。 Green city square has become a good place for people to take a leisure walk at night. There are also four tall column lights made of glass. With the accompaniment of music fountains, the color of the column lights changes constantly, making the green city square a beautiful landscape. 绿城郑州不但绿了,而且更亮了,一束束灯光照着她,使她变得更加美丽动人。 The green city of Zhengzhou is not only green, but also brighter. A bunch of lights illuminate her, making her more beautiful and moving. 从空中俯视下去,全城到处是绿树,到处是大楼。 我们爱郑州,我们更爱自己的家乡。 Looking down from the air, the city is full of trees and buildings. We love Zhengzhou, we love our hometown more.