钓虾你会钓虾吗? 钓虾,要先用鱼钩勾住遥,再把钩子放进水里。 等到虾来吃遥,马上把鱼杆挑起来,就可以钓到一只虾。 Can you fish shrimp? To catch shrimp, first hook the meat with a fishhook, and then put the hook into the water. Wait until the shrimp comes to eat the meat, pick up the fishing rod immediately, and then you can catch a shrimp. 一天,风和日丽,我和表弟去湖边钓虾。 来到湖边,我们看见清澈的湖水里有许多小虾在游。 我把鱼钩放进水里,等了老半天,没有一只虾上钩。 我有点不耐烦,挑起鱼杆一看,原来虾已经神不知鬼不觉地把遥吃掉了。 我可生气了,往前一跺脚,差一点儿就掉进水里。 还有遥,我看见一只虾正准备来吃遥。 我也做好准备把鱼杆挑起来。 那只虾一吃遥,我连忙把挑鱼杆,可是这只虾力气太大了,费了半天的力气也没有挑起来。 我使劲一用力,把鱼钩挂在了树上,虾却逃走了。 I'm also ready to pick up the rod. As soon as the shrimp ate the meat, I hurriedly picked up the fish pole, but the strength of the shrimp was too great, and it took a long time to pick up. I tried my best to hang the fish hook on the tree, but the shrimp escaped. 我一只虾也没有钓到,真不服气,可是一想:失败是遥之母,我下遥一定能满载而归。 于是,我高高兴兴地回家了。