待到满山红叶时,我在香山笑“一片两片三四片,五片六片七八片……香山红叶红满天。 ”这是我曾经背过的一段诗文。 从那时起,我就向往去看一看,看那“红满天的”红叶。 去年秋天,爸爸妈妈为我实现了这个愿望----嘉宾我来到了首都----北京,游览了香山。 "Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight Xiangshan red leaves are all over the sky. " This is a poem I have recited. Since then, I have been longing to see the "red leaves" in the sky. Last autumn, mom and dad realized this wish for me --- guest I came to the capital --- Beijing and visited Xiangshan. 我们走进香山大门就来到了香山下,向上望去,弯弯曲曲的山路,就像把我们带进诗中,带进画中。 一棵棵枫树在挺拔的松树的衬托下,形状千奇百怪,有的像奔跑的骏马,有的像任劳任怨的老遥牛,有的像怒吼着的东北虎,还有的像昂着东望的长龙。 When we enter the gate of Xiangshan Mountain, we come to the foot of Xiangshan mountain. Looking up, the winding mountain road is like bringing us into poetry and painting. Maple trees, set off by tall and straight pine trees, are of various shapes, some of which are like running horses, some of which are like old yellow cattle who work hard, some of which are like roaring Northeast tigers, and some of which are like a long dragon looking up to the East. 登上半山腰,向四周望去,“万山红遍,层林尽染”,近处那火红的枫树像一只只金凤凰,微风吹来,那一只只“金凤凰”仿佛在奔走跳跃,的确是“霜叶红于二月花”呀。 远处的北海、颐和园等美丽的公园尽收眼底,但是看上去比平时小了一些。 Climb up the hillside and look around. "The mountains are red and the forests are stained. " the red maple near is like a Golden Phoenix. The Golden Phoenix seems to be running and jumping when the breeze blows. It is indeed "frost leaves are red in February flowers". The beautiful parks in the distance, such as Beihai and the summer palace, have a panoramic view, but they look smaller than usual. “欲穷千里目,更上一层楼”。 登上山顶,遥才觉得脚下的枫树林是那么美丽,一片红遥,一片火焰焰,就犹如站在火海一般,看后让人心旷神怡。 真是“会当临遥顶,一览众山小”,遥目远望,北海公园的白塔好像一个小亭子。 那高高的万寿山,只不过是一个小土丘。 站在山顶我也高大了许多,觉得自己也是一尊遥,身心庞然膨胀,人格伟大了好些,让我壮怀激烈。 "If you want to live in poverty, you can go to a higher level. ". After climbing to the top of the mountain, I feel that the maple forest under my feet is so beautiful. It's red and flame, just like standing in the sea of fire. It makes people feel relaxed and happy after watching. It's really "facing the top, looking at the small mountains". Looking far away, the white tower in Beihai park looks like a small pavilion. The high longevity mountain is just a small mound. Standing on the top of the mountain, I also feel that I am a great person. My body and mind are swollen and my personality is great, which makes me strong and fierce. 山太美了,太壮观了! The mountains are so beautiful and spectacular! 就要回家了,可我舍不得离去,因为我已经和香山融为一体了。 我爱秋天的香山,香山上的我笑了。 I will go home, but I am reluctant to leave, because I have been integrated with Xiangshan. I love Xiangshan in autumn. I smile on Xiangshan.