自选商场妈妈常常带我到自选商场买东西。 My mother often takes me to shopping malls. 自选商场的东西可真多。 我和妈妈选了一些日用商品,然后到收银台结帐。 遥货员阿姨用计算器为我们算了帐,又快又遥。 There are so many things in the shopping mall. My mother and I chose some daily goods and then went to the cashier to check out. The salesgirl's aunt calculated the account for us with a calculator, which was fast and accurate. 到自选商场买东西真方便。 商场的东西琳琅满目,商品的分类又整齐又清楚,使我们很快就能找到自己想要的商品,又快又节省时间。 而且,商场经常有促销活动,有一些商品还会定时推出特价活动,能帮我们省下不少遥呢! It's convenient to go shopping in the shopping mall. Shopping malls are full of things, and the classification of goods is neat and clear, so that we can find the goods we want quickly and save time. Moreover, there are often promotions in shopping malls, and some products will launch special offers regularly, which can help us save a lot of money!