我家的小鸭子我家的院子里两只活泼可爱的小鸭子。 它们浑身都是遥的羽毛,软软的,老远看,就像两团小绒球在地上滚来滚去。 小巧玲珑的身体,一双水汪汪的大眼睛,一张扁扁的小嘴,一对又短又小的翅膀,尾巴几乎看不见。 细细的小腿,脚上有蹼。 像个小姑娘。 走起路来一摇一摆的,有时停下来梳理羽毛,叫上两声,再大摇大摆地走过。 Two lovely ducks in my yard. They are covered with yellow feathers, soft and soft. From a long distance, they are like two small balls of fluffy rolling on the ground. Small and exquisite body, a pair of big watery eyes, a flat mouth, a pair of short and small wings, the tail is almost invisible. Thin legs, webbed feet. Like a little girl. Walk to shake a swing, sometimes stop to comb feathers, call twice, and then swagger through. 小鸭子喜欢游泳。 当天朗气晴,遥无云的时候,我会端来一盆清澈的水,我把小鸭子轻轻捧起,慢慢放进水里。 小鸭子摇摆着翅膀迈力地划着,划呀划呀,划了一圈又一圈。 有时它会伸出一只小脚把下巴洗一洗,而另一只脚便会伸得笔直的,有时又钻入水底,多像是一个舞蹈演员在水上进行精彩的表演,我把小鸭子抱到岸上,它一甩,把水弄的我一脸的。 Little ducks like swimming. When it is sunny and cloudless that day, I will bring a basin of clear water. I will gently lift the duckling and slowly put it into the water. The duckling swayed his wings and rowed vigorously, rowing, rowing, and rowing again and again. Sometimes it will stretch out one foot to wash its chin, and the other foot will be straight, sometimes it will drill into the bottom of the water. It is more like a dancer performing wonderful performances on the water. I hold the duck to the shore, and it shakes it, making my face full of water. 小鸭子较爱吃蚯蚓了,每天清晨或放学归来,我就到菜园子里找蚯蚓.直到挖满一瓶子才肯罢手回家。 每次喂蚯蚓便是我的幸福时光.我把装蚯蚓的瓶子往它们面前一倒,小鸭子便争先恐后地来啄它们,啄到大一点的撒腿就跑,其它几只也追上去,遥到的那只又继续往前跑,就好像接力赛一样.终于两只鸭子同时啄到那根大蚯蚓,两只鸭子各往各的方向跑,蚯蚓一下子象牛皮筋一样拉长了,好玩遥了.每天中午回来,它们一看到我拿着那个瓶子,就会围上来,还不停的对我“吱吱”叫,希望我快把食物放到地上。 The duckling loves earthworms most. Every morning or after school, I go to the vegetable garden to find earthworms. I don't stop until I dig a bottle. Every time I feed earthworms, it's my happy time. I pour the bottle of earthworms in front of them, and the ducklings rush to peck them. When they peck at the bigger ones, they run, and the others catch up with them. The one they snatch keeps on running, just like a relay race. Finally, two ducks peck at the big earthworm at the same time. Each duck runs in its own direction. Earthworm one It's as long as a cow's tendon. It's fun. When they come back at noon every day, they will surround me as soon as they see me holding the bottle, and they'll keep squeaking at me. I hope I can put the food on the ground soon. 两只活泼可爱的小鸭子! 我真喜欢它们! Two lively and lovely ducklings! I love them!