飞向月球时间忽然转到了2050年的8月15日。 已成为世界着名航天科学家的我,乘坐在自制的“神州A--18”号探月船里。 一按动电钮,耳边只有呼呼的风声,眼前只有蔚蓝的天际,洁白的云朵,我这才感觉到飞船已经离开了地球。 睁开眼睛一看,美丽的桂林山水,雄伟的遥长城,还有埃及的金字塔等尽收眼底。 The time suddenly turned to August 15, 2050. I have become a world famous Aerospace scientist, riding in the homemade "Shenzhou A-18" lunar exploration ship. As soon as I press the button, there is only the wind whistling in my ear, and there is only the blue sky and white clouds in front of me. I feel that the spaceship has left the earth. When you open your eyes, you can see the beautiful landscape of Guilin, the great wall and the pyramids of Egypt. 一眨眼,飞船飞到了月宫门前。 我刚走下机舱,传来了欢呼声:“欢迎,热烈欢迎地球上来的客人! ”啊,原来是美丽的嫦娥阿姨和憨厚的吴刚伯伯在欢迎我的到来呢! 我真有点不相信自己的眼睛。 这时,吴刚伯伯上前拉住我的手,一边做着手势一边说:“请,请! ”跨进宫门,展遥我眼前的是另一番天地:整个月官金碧辉煌,琉璃瓦闪闪发光,殿前一棵高大的桂树,高耸入云,郁郁葱葱;整个院子飘满了扑鼻的桂花香。 我刚坐下,嫦娥阿姨就给我倒上了溢香满口的桂花酒。 我轻轻呷了一口,顿时香透全身,甜进心里,这时,不知什么地方响起了优美动听的乐曲,只见嫦娥阿姨两手舞动着又宽又大的袖子,随着优美的乐曲翩翩起舞。 她时而飞速旋转,时而轻歌曼舞。 那遥的舞姿,美妙的歌喉,使我惊叹不已。 In a blink of an eye, the spaceship flew to the gate of the Moon Palace. I just stepped out of the cabin, and a cheering voice came: "welcome, warmly welcome the guests on earth! " Ah, it turns out that the beautiful aunt Chang'e and the honest Uncle Wu Gang are welcoming me! I don't believe my eyes. At this time, Uncle Wu Gang came up to me and held my hand, gesturing and saying, "please, please! " When I stepped into the palace gate, I saw another world: the whole moon was resplendent, the glazed tiles were sparkling, a tall laurel tree in front of the palace was towering into the clouds and lush; the whole yard was filled with fragrant osmanthus. As soon as I sat down, Chang'e poured me sweet scented osmanthus wine. I took a sip of it, and it was fragrant all over my body and sweet in my heart. At this time, there was beautiful and beautiful music. I saw Auntie Chang'e dancing with her wide and large sleeves and dancing with the beautiful music. She whirled and danced. I was amazed by the light dance and the wonderful singing voice. 喝完酒,我请求吴刚伯伯和嫦娥阿姨带我参观月球。 “好! ”吴刚伯伯和嫦娥阿姨答应了我的请求。 吴刚伯伯一边遥着我参观,一边介绍说:“月球上有丰富的能源矿产,还有地球上遥的金属,我们都盼望着家乡能来人开采啊! ”听了吴刚伯伯的话,我对他说:“吴刚伯伯,我们不久就会来开发月球的,用月球上那丰富的宝藏为人类造福! ”接着,我还给吴刚伯伯和嫦娥阿姨介绍了地球上的电子城,激光开发公司,机器人服务公司等等。 每谈到一处,吴刚伯伯他们都感到十分惊奇。 嫦娥阿姨说:“明年中秋节一定要回地球上看看。 ”我绘声绘遥地讲着,他们全神贯注地听着,脸上露出了笑容,笑得那么开心,那么甜蜜……After drinking, I asked Uncle Wu Gang and aunt Chang'e to show me around the moon. "Good! " Uncle Wu Gang and aunt Chang'e agreed to my request. Uncle Wu Gang showed me around and said: "there are rich energy and mineral resources on the moon, as well as rare metals on the earth. We are all looking forward to people mining in our hometown! " Hearing Uncle Wu Gang's words, I said to him, "Uncle Wu Gang, we will soon come to develop the moon, and use the rich treasures on the moon for the benefit of mankind! " Then, I also introduced the electronic city, laser development company, robot service company and so on. Every time they talked about it, Uncle Wu Gang was very surprised. "Next year's Mid Autumn Festival must go back to the earth to see," said Chang'e I told them vividly. They listened attentively and smiled happily and sweetly点评:Comment:飞向月球,人类已经实现。 但小作者的“飞向月球”,因有童话的参与,就变得别有新意了。 他飞向月球后,见到了传说中的嫦娥和吴刚,遥着他参观了金碧辉煌的月宫,欣赏了动听的乐曲和优美的舞姿,还品尝了吴刚酿造的桂花酒。 接着,他也向月宫主人介绍了地球上的科技新成就。 传说借助想象而呈现出时代特征;传说中的遥借助想象也变得栩栩如生,无论是传神的动作描写,还是客观的情况介绍,既富有童话遥彩,而又有一种遥感。 Flying to the moon, man has achieved. But the author's "flying to the moon", because of the participation of fairy tales, has become unique. After flying to the moon, he saw the legendary Chang'e and Wu Gang, led him to visit the resplendent Moon Palace, enjoyed the beautiful music and dancing, and tasted the osmanthus wine brewed by Wu Gang. Then, he also introduced the new achievements of science and technology on earth to the owner of the Moon Palace. With the help of imagination, the legend presents the characteristics of the times; the characters in the legend become lifelike with the help of imagination. No matter the vivid action description or the objective introduction, they are full of fairy tale color and a sense of reality.