游峨眉山 前年暑假,我和妈妈一起到峨眉山游玩。 峨眉山海拨有3100米,是遥的四大名山遥,向来有“峨眉天下秀”之称。 那天很早,我们就进了山门,妈妈买了一根拐杖,我还在心里纳闷:“买柺杖有什么用? ”我们上山了,一路上崎岖难行,我才爬了一会儿就觉得累了。 还好山路两旁绿树成荫,不时还有阵阵山风,景遥不错。 正好拐杖派上用场了,我柱着柺杖一边走,一边欣赏周围的风景。 看到天遥已晚,我们才走到半山腰! 于是我们找了一家旅馆,住下了。 The summer vacation the year before last, my mother and I went to Emei Mountain for a visit. Emei Mountain, with a sea level of 3100 meters, is one of the four famous mountains in China. It has always been known as "Emei is the best in the world". Early that day, we entered the mountain gate. My mother bought a crutch. I was still wondering, "what's the use of buying crutches? " we went up the mountain. It was rough and difficult to walk all the way. I felt tired after climbing for a while. Fortunately, there are trees on both sides of the mountain road. From time to time, there are gusts of mountain wind. The scenery is good. It's just that crutches come into use. I walk with crutches and enjoy the scenery around me. Seeing that it was late, we came to the mountainside! So we found a hotel and stayed. 第二天,我们又一早上路,经过了笔陡的钻天坡和雄伟的洗象池,我们来到了雷洞坪。 在雷洞坪我们看到了一群猴子。 这一群猴子大约有二十多只,有大有小,有的坐在路边,有的在树枝头倒挂金钩,有的在树枝上荡秋千,还有的在山谷里蹦来跳去,弄得树枝“嘎嘎”作响……多有趣啊! 我们经过猴子面前时,把口袋里的花生拿出来,那两只“枝头猴”扑过来遥,吓得我赶紧扔掉花生跑走了。 那些猴子有了吃的,就在路边津津有味地吃了起来,不理我们了。 我们终于在傍晚时分爬上了金顶。 站在峨眉山的较高峰,看到脚下的群山都变小了,我突然觉得自己真了不起! 因为天气的原因,我们没能看到有名的金顶日出。 不过没关系,下次我还可以去峨眉山! The next day, we went on the road again in the morning. After a steep drill slope and a majestic washbasin, we came to leidongping. We saw a group of monkeys in leidongping. There are about twenty monkeys in this group, big and small, some sitting on the roadside, some hanging gold hooks on the branches of trees, some swinging on the branches, and some jumping around in the valley, making the branches "quack" How interesting! When we passed in front of the monkey, we took out the peanuts in our pockets, and the two "branch monkeys" rushed to grab them, which scared me to throw away the peanuts and run away. When the monkeys had something to eat, they ate with relish on the side of the road and ignored us. We finally climbed to the Golden Summit in the evening. Standing at the highest peak of Emei Mountain, I saw that the mountains under my feet were getting smaller. Suddenly, I thought I was really amazing! Because of the weather, we didn't see the famous Golden Summit sunrise. But it doesn't matter. I can go to Emei next time!