爷爷我的爷爷早已年过花甲了,脑门光秃秃的,稀疏的头发白花花脸上爬满了纵横交错的皱纹。 爷爷疼爱我胜于他自己。 My grandfather has already passed the age of Huajia. His forehead is bare and his hair is sparse. His face is covered with crisscross wrinkles. Grandpa loves me more than himself. 记得有遥,荔枝刚遥。 妈妈买了许多新鲜的荔枝到爷爷家探望。 荔枝皮薄核小,用手一摸,痒痒的。 剥开荔枝的外壳,就可以看见晶莹透亮的果遥,白中泛青,水灵灵的,让人迫不及待的咬一口。 Remember once, litchi just went on sale. Mother bought many fresh lychees to visit Grandpa's house. Litchi skin thin nuclear small, with a hand touch, itchy. Peel off the shell of litchi, you can see the crystal clear flesh, white in the pan green, water smart, people can't wait to bite. 到了爷爷家,爷爷用筋脉突兀的手不停地抚摸着我的头。 然后从袋子里拿出一串晶莹透亮的荔枝递给我,我伸手想去拿,可是妈妈马上用凶恶的眼睛盯着我,示意我不要拿。 我见了,只好胆小如鼠地伸回了手,连忙摆手说:“不了,不了,我刚吃过! ”说完,我的脸如一层遥云。 爷爷似乎看出了我的心思,便若无其事的对妈妈说:“你妈在厨房里做饭,帮帮她去吧! ”说完爷爷笑吟吟地望了我一眼。 妈妈听了只好答应,然后又用刚才那凶恶的眼神盯了我一眼,示意我小心点! 我见了,如似老鼠见了猫,吓得一声不吭。 When I arrived at my grandfather's house, he stroked my head with his abrupt hand. Then I took out a bunch of glistening litchi from the bag and handed it to me. I reached out to get it, but my mother immediately stared at me with fierce eyes and motioned me not to take it. When I saw it, I had to timidly extend my hand back and quickly wave it and say, "no, no, I just ate it! " With that, my face was like a cloud. Grandpa seemed to see my mind, and as if nothing had happened, he said to his mother, "your mother is cooking in the kitchen, help her! " Then grandpa gave me a smile. My mother agreed, and then she gave me a look with her ferocious eyes just now to show me to be careful! When I saw it, I was as frightened as a mouse to see a cat. 待妈妈走了以后,爷爷用慈祥的眼睛望着我,用温柔的声音对我说:“来! 别怕你妈,快吃”我慢慢地挪动着脚步,来到爷爷身边。 爷爷拿起一颗鲜红的荔枝,又圆又大,用粗糙的手抚摸着荔枝,然后用小拇指甲盖划破荔枝,小心翼翼的剥开皮,不让那小刺留在果遥上,生怕我吃的时候割伤,手心拖着荔枝,像是托着一个刚刚剥去皮的光滑的鸡蛋,然后递给我。 。 。 。 。 。 After my mother left, Grandpa looked at me with kind eyes and said to me in a gentle voice, "come on! Don't be afraid of your mother, eat quickly. "I slowly moved to Grandpa's side. Grandpa picked up a bright red lychee, which was round and big. He stroked the lychee with a rough hand, then cut the lychee with a small nail cover, carefully peeled the skin, so as not to let the little thorn stay on the flesh. For fear that I would cut it when eating, he dragged the lychee with the palm of his hand, like holding a smooth egg just peeled, and then handed it to me. . . . . . 当我和妈妈回家的时候,爷爷恋恋不舍地不停地拉着我的手,对我说:“以后要常来,要注意身体。 。 。 。 。 。 ”当时,我的鼻子酸了,不像样那坚强的泪珠流下来,只感觉哽咽着。 。 。 。 。 。 When my mother and I went home, my grandfather was reluctant to hold my hand and said to me, "come back often, pay attention to your body. . . " At that time, my nose was sour. I couldn't stand the strong tears. I just felt choked. . . . . .