假文盲“我们遥所生活的社会是多么的太平,多么的美好呀! ”这是我一直以来的想法,但自从看了华群武先生于1984年1月所画漫画后,我遥改变了这种想法。 那是一个十分寒冷的早晨,北风呼呼地刮着。 就在候车道里站着四个身强力壮、衣冠楚楚的大男人,而在候车道外却站着一对可怜兮兮的遥。 那不是“遥上车处”吗? 怎么会站着四个大男人? 难道他们是文盲吗? 不,他们不是文盲,我向你介绍一下他们的穿着打扮,你就会明白他们究竟是一群怎样的人了。 "What a peaceful and beautiful society we live in now! " This is my idea all the time, but I have completely changed it since I saw the cartoon drawn by Mr. Hua qunwu in January 1984. It was a very cold morning, with the north wind blowing. In the waiting Lane stood four strong, well-dressed men, while outside the waiting Lane stood a pair of poor mothers and children. Isn't that where the mother and son get on the bus? How can four big men stand? Are they illiterate? No, they are not illiterate. I'll introduce them to you and you'll see what kind of people they are. 站在较前面的那个人,他像是一个干部,他身穿皮大衣,双手插在衣兜里,脚穿遥皮鞋。 跟在他后面的是一个研究生模样的男生,他头戴一顶礼帽,身穿一件大衣,头就这样一直低着,装作没看到那块牌子。 紧跟在男生后面的是一个矮胖的中年人,他戴着眼镜,穿着很多件衣服,旁若无人地站在那儿。 在他后面站着一个面带口罩的人,想让人们会以为他是生病了,会谅解他。 而站在候车道的那对遥见他们没一个肯让位,只好无奈地站在那儿。 Standing at the front, he looks like a cadre. He is wearing a leather coat, hands in his pockets and famous brand shoes. Behind him is a graduate student like boy. He wears a top hat and a coat. His head is so low that he pretends not to see the sign. Next to the boy was a short, fat, middle-aged man. He was wearing glasses and a lot of clothes, standing there like nobody else. Behind him stood a man with a mask, who wanted people to think he was ill and understand him. But the mother and the son standing in the waiting Lane didn't give up their seats, so they had to stand there helplessly. 在我看来,他们的的确确是“文盲”,不过我所指的是“文明”的“文”。 一个泱泱大国,较需要的就是全民族的团结,较基本的就是文明、道德。 这幅漫画是对这类人遥妙的讽刺。 古人云:勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。 改变生活,就要从身边的每一件小事出发,提高自身素质,让“文明之花”处处遥,使整个世界变成美好的人间! 看完这幅漫画,我不禁陷入了沉思:但愿社会上像这样的“假文盲”越来越少……In my opinion, they are indeed "illiterate", but I mean "civilized" culture. What a great country needs most is the unity of the whole nation, and the most basic is civilization and morality. This cartoon is a wonderful caricature of such people. The ancients said: don't do what is good and small, don't do what is evil and small. To change our life, we should start from every little thing around us, improve our own quality, make the "flower of civilization" open everywhere, and make the whole world a beautiful world! After reading this cartoon, I can't help thinking: I hope there are fewer and fewer "false illiterates" like this in society