手指V在我们多姿多彩的生活中,每只手上的五个手指占着其缺一遥的地位。 它们除了生活工作外,还有可以做许多.各种各样的手势。 有时我们挥手以示“再见”,有时我们做“OK”以示“好了”,有时舞蹈演员做兰花指状,为生活增光添彩。 手指“V”也是它们重要的一员。 In our colorful life, five fingers on each hand are indispensable. Besides living and working, they can also make many. Various gestures. Sometimes we wave to show "goodbye", sometimes we do "OK" to show "OK", sometimes dancers do orchid fingers to add luster to life. Finger "V" is also an important part of them. “V”形手势代表“victory”即“胜利”。 因为二战期间,西欧沦陷,人们纷纷遥英国,当时有个叫维克多.德拉维利的比利时人,在1940年年末的一个晚上号召人们到处书写“V”字,以示胜利的信心。 从此,手指“V”不胫而走,传入世界各地,成打招呼、照相等时的重要手势。 “V”的手势就是将食指与中指直直地竖起,再将无名指与小指向下弯曲,较后用大拇指按住小拇指与无名指的指甲,广为流传而意味深长的“V”就完成了。 "V" gesture means "victory". Because during the Second World War, when Western Europe fell, people were exiled to Britain. At that time, a Belgian named Victor delaville called on people to write the word "V" everywhere one night at the end of 1940 to show their confidence in victory. Since then, finger "V" has spread all over the world and become an important gesture for greeting and taking photos. The gesture of "V" is to erect the index finger and the middle finger straight, bend the ring finger and the small finger downward, and finally press the fingernails of the little finger and the ring finger with the thumb. The widely spread and meaningful "V" is finished. 食指昂首挺胸,如一个卫兵笔直地站在那里,可谓神气十足。 在五指之中,是十分引人注目的,也是“V”的一半,所以十分重要。 食指自信满满地站着,仿佛一切事情都难不倒他。 中指更是牛气冲天了! 他高高在上,如同鹤立鸡群,为此它十分傲气十足,它就像一个壮汉,挺立在五指中间,也是“V”的一半。 无名指与小指是较小的两个手指,小巧玲珑,体态秀丽。 然而在“V”的手指中,却无疑是较无用武之地,总是在那低头弯腰,也没有它们可以露脸的地方,因为十分淘气捣蛋,所以十分不服气。 大拇指较为老实郭厚,什么脏活、累活都心甘情愿去干,长得也十分老实,又矮又肥,关节他只有一个,别人有两个;在手势“V”中他去按住其它两个手指。 小拇指说:“为什么尽是食指与中指出风头,我与无名指连脸也露不了! ”大拇指说:“其实你们也很重要,如果我们不配合,五指都立起来,这就不成为一个“V”字了。 ”无名指与小指点头称是。 His forefinger held his head high and his chest held high. He stood upright like a guard. Among the five fingers, it is very eye-catching and half of "V", so it is very important. His index finger stood confidently, as if everything could not defeat him. The middle finger is even more bullish! He is as lofty as a chicken, so he is very proud. He is like a strong man, standing in the middle of five fingers, and half of "V". Ring finger and little finger are the smallest two fingers. They are small, exquisite and beautiful. However, among the fingers of "V", they are undoubtedly the most useless place for martial arts. They always bend their heads and have no place to show their faces. Because they are very naughty and mischievous, they are very unconvinced. The thumb is the most honest Guo Hou. He is willing to do all the dirty and tiring work. He is also very honest, short and fat. He has only one joint and two others. In the gesture "V", he presses the other two fingers. The little thumb said, "Why are all index fingers and middle fingers pointing out the limelight? I can't even show my face with ring fingers! " Thumbs up said: "in fact, you are also very important. If we do not cooperate and all five fingers stand up, it will not become a" V "character. " Ring finger and little finger nodded. 团结就是力量,只有团结遥,做好配合,才有遥的力量! Unity is strength. Only when we unite and cooperate well, can we have the power of success!