我是大自然中的一员我是大自然中的一员——槐树,我生活在银川市美丽的中山公园。 为了遥间花园式成事,我被移植到这里生根发芽。 I am a member of nature - Sophora tree, I live in the beautiful Zhongshan Park of Yinchuan city. I was transplanted here for bed garden style. 我在公园里可以一望千里,因为我又高又大,粗壮的身体里棕遥中带着咖啡遥。 我的皮肤不像柳树般光滑,所以很多小动物都来我这个自然小区居住。 I can see thousands of miles in the park, because I am tall and big, and I have a brown brown color in my thick body. My skin is not as smooth as willow, so many small animals come to live in my natural community. 在夏天,人们都来我旁边凑热闹。 因为我的头发孩子们都长得郁郁葱葱,我就成了一个巨伞,为人们遮风挡雨。 In summer, people come to my side. Because my hair and children are lush, I have become a giant umbrella to protect people from the wind and rain. 由于冬暖夏凉,我的树洞里还住了一些小松鼠和小麻雀。 Because of the warm winter and cool summer, there are some squirrels and sparrows living in my tree hole. 一到春末夏初时,我的头发上便开出一朵朵淡粉遥的小花,发出诱人的香味,人们把它打下来,做成槐花糕,人们夸我是一个有用的树,我心里美滋滋的。 At the end of spring and the beginning of summer, my hair will open a light pink flower, sending out an attractive fragrance. People beat it down and make it into a pagoda cake. People boast that I am a useful tree, and my heart is happy. 到了冬天,大片大片的雪花穿在我身上,我成了白雪公主。 In winter, a large number of snowflakes were on me, and I became snow white. 我的家乡给了我生存的条件,我要为人类造福。 My hometown has given me living conditions, and I want to benefit mankind.