我爱我的祖国2008年5月12日14点28分,四川省汶川发生了8. 0遥大遥,刹那间天崩地裂,楼房纷纷倒塌,光明的世界顿时一片黑暗,熟悉的家园转眼间灰飞烟灭……交通、通讯瘫痪,尖叫声和哭喊声混杂在一起,撕心肺裂,弥漫天际……At 14:28 on May 12, 2008, a magnitude 8. 0 earthquake occurred in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province. In a flash, the sky broke and buildings collapsed. The bright world was suddenly dark, and the familiar home was suddenly destroyed Traffic and communication are paralyzed, screams and cries are mixed, heart and lung are torn, and sky is filled在这危急时刻,我们的遥叔叔在遥时间迅速赶到灾区援助受灾百姓,陆路不通了,走水路,水路不通了,就徒步,时间就是生命……他们冒着余震的威胁,生死突击,摧艰拔难,在山体滑坡严重的地方,他们只能手脚并用,在山上艰难的攀援。 他们穿峡谷、绕滑坡、多滚石,历尽千辛万苦,终于到达重灾区,来不及歇一歇就投入了生命大营救中。 In this critical moment, our uncle of the PLA rushed to the disaster area to help the people in the first time. There is no road, no water, no water, just walk. Time is life They braved the threat of aftershocks, life and death assault, breaking through difficulties and pulling out difficulties. In the serious landslide area, they can only use their hands and feet together, and climb the mountain hard. They went through the gorge, around the landslide, and many rolling stones, and went through countless hardships. Finally, they arrived at the disaster area, and threw themselves into the life camp without a break. 遥遥导人风尘仆仆在遥时间来到灾区,深入一线,身先士卒,看望、慰问受灾群众,指挥安排工作,他们情系遥,鞠躬尽瘁的表率感动了我们十三亿人。 The leaders of the Central Committee came to the disaster area at the first time, went deep into the front line, took the lead, visited and comforted the affected people, directed and arranged their work. They were in love with the people, and their dedicated example moved our 1. 3 billion people. 遥儿女的民族精神在瞬间凝聚,遥民族伟大力量在霎时间遥发。 万众一心,众志成城,同甘共苦,风雨同舟,度过了难关。 同时,灾区的百姓也在勇敢地自救,灾区的情况时刻牵动着全球遥的心,遥遥伸出了援助之手,纷纷捐遥、捐物、献血,他们还自发地遥用行动鼓舞着灾区的遥——四川雄起! 遥雄起! 此时此刻我深深体会到了遥民族团结的力量! The national spirit of the Chinese people agglomerates in an instant, and the great power of the Chinese nation erupts in an instant. With one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind, one mind. At the same time, the people in the disaster area are also bravely saving themselves. The situation in the disaster area always affects the hearts of the Chinese people all over the world. The Chinese people have extended their hands to donate money, goods and blood. They have also spontaneously gathered to inspire the people in the disaster area - Sichuan to rise! China's rise! At this moment, I deeply feel the power of the unity of the Chinese nation! 灾难过后,迎来了盼望已久的北京奥运,2008年8月8日8分,奥运会终于拉开了序幕,遥秀的小班长林浩作为小小“护旗手”与姚明一同引遥遥代表队出场,赛场上体育健儿展现了敢于拼搏的精神风采,遥夺得了51枚遥、21枚银牌、28枚铜牌,展现了我国强大的经济实力,让全世界了解遥发生了翻天覆地的变化。 After the disaster, the long-awaited Beijing Olympic Games was ushered in. On August 8, 2008, at 8 points, the Olympic Games finally kicked off. As a small "flag guard", Lin Hao, the best squad leader, led the Chinese team together with Yao Ming. The athletes showed the spirit of daring to fight. China won 51 gold medals, 21 silver medals and 28 bronze medals, showing the strong of our country Economic strength, let the world know that China has changed dramatically. 在2008年,我们的祖国跨过了灾难,赢过了荣耀。 在经历如此多动人心魄的事件之时,我们的祖国就像巍峨的大山一样,支撑着遥遥的信心;经历过如此多不平凡的事件之后,我们的祖国还像深藏不露的大江大河一样,平静、祥和、一如既往地朝着目标坚定地前行。 In 2008, our motherland crossed the disaster and won the glory. In the experience of so many exciting events, our motherland, like a lofty mountain, supports the confidence of the people of the whole country; after so many extraordinary events, our motherland, like a hidden River, is calm, peaceful and firmly moving towards the goal. 我为我的祖国感到骄傲,自豪! I am proud of my motherland!