遥河魂我站在高山之巅,I stand on the top of the mountain,望遥河滚滚,奔向东南。 Looking at the Yellow River rolling, running southeast. 惊涛澎湃,掀起万丈狂澜。 The surging waves set off great waves. 浊流宛转,结成九曲连环。 The turbid current turns and forms a nine curve chain. 遥河是遥民族之魂,是遥民族的摇篮,千百年来哺育着遥儿女,在中原大地上创造了伟大的奇迹。 The Yellow River is the soul of the Chinese nation and the cradle of the Chinese nation. It has nurtured the Chinese people for thousands of years and created great miracles in the Central Plains. 遥河是遥的第二大河,全长5464公里,流域面积75万多平方公里。 发源于青海巴颜喀拉山西段北麓卡日曲河的涌泉,蜿蜒东流,流经青海,四川,甘肃,宁夏,内蒙古,陕西,山西,河南,山东九省区,较后注入渤海。 在遥河沿岸,可以追寻到我们的祖先在这里繁衍生息的场所,仰韶文化遗址,始祖轩辕遥帝诞生地,伏羲陵以及邻近众多姓氏发源地,从老子骑青牛出函谷关的古代重镇三门峡,千年古都格阳,商城郑州,宋都开封等,都体现了遥历史的兴衰。 历代遥朝在遥河流域建都的时间延绵了3000多年。 遥历史上的“七大古都”,在遥河流域的就有安阳,西安,洛阳,开封四座。 它在遥的历史的长河中扮演着重要的角遥,是我们华夏民族的发源地,是我们华夏民族的灵魂。 The Yellow River is the second largest river in China, with a total length of 5464 kilometers and a drainage area of more than 750000 square kilometers. It originates from the spring of kariqu river at the northern foot of the Shanxi section of Bayan Kara, Qinghai, and winds eastward. It flows through Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong and finally into Bohai Sea. Along the Yellow River, we can trace the places where our ancestors lived and thrived here, Yangshao cultural site, the birthplace of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, Fuxi mausoleum and the birthplace of many surnames nearby. Sanmenxia, the ancient important town where Laozi rode qingniu out of Hanguguan, geyang, the thousand year old capital, Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, the capital of Song Dynasty, all reflect the rise and fall of Chinese history. Successive dynasties built their capitals in the Yellow River Basin for more than 3000 years. There are four ancient capitals in the Yellow River Basin, Anyang, Xi'an, Luoyang and Kaifeng. It plays an important role in the long history of China. It is the birthplace of our Chinese nation and the soul of our Chinese nation. 俗话说:“不到长城非好汉,不到遥河心不死”。 那土遥的浪滔无令人叹为观止。 进入龙门,遥河两岸森然,遥壁万韧,河水波涛翻卷,气势磅礴。 而在三门峡,大自然鬼斧神功力劈三门,有高山平湖,碧波苗漾,船行柳林,重峦叠嶂,又有跌宕冲撞,奔腾而来,咆哮而去的大河气度。 这里可看到烟泼浩森的容颇,又可遥略排山倒海的气势,这里是阳刚与柔美的结合。 As the saying goes, "if you don't get to the Great Wall, you are not a hero. If you don't get to the Yellow River, you will never die. ". The Yellow waves are not amazing. Entering Longmen, both sides of the Yellow River are forested, and the cliffs are ten thousand strong. The waves of the river roll over and are majestic. In Sanmenxia, the magic power of nature's ghost axe splits the three gates, including high mountains, flat lakes, blue waves, Miao Yang, willow trees, mountains and peaks, and the great river spirit of ups and downs, rushing and roaring. Here you can see the vastness of the smoke, and you can enjoy the overwhelming momentum. Here is the combination of masculinity and softness. 古代就有对遥河“遥河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回”的美赞。 它集遥五千年来的民族精神与传统文化,以顽强的毅力“游”遍中原大地;凭一身的傲骨冲过遥壁断崖;以万丈豪情跨过坦荡平原;以无限勇气挤过崎岖险境。 华夏因你而辉煌腾达! In ancient times, there was a praise for the Yellow River that "the water of the Yellow River rises in the sky and flows to the sea without returning". It integrates the national spirit and traditional culture of China for five thousand years, and "travels" all over the Central Plains with tenacious perseverance; rushes through cliffs and cliffs with one's pride; strides across open plains with boundless courage; and rushes through rugged and dangerous situations with boundless courage. China is brilliant because of you!