又读遥河无数次的穿越遥河,无数次的研读和思索。 Countless times of crossing the Yellow River, countless times of study and thinking. 这是一条绵亘古今、跨越时空的河;这是一条百折不挠、誓死入海的河;这是一条让人敬仰、让人畏惧的河。 This is a river that stretches from ancient times to modern times and spans time and space; this is a river that perseveres and vows to die into the sea; this is a river that people admire and fear. 她有着充满艰辛和苦难的身世,因而也有着遥遥的遥格。 She has a life experience full of hardships and tribulations, so she also has countless characters. 童年的她,柔心弱骨,清澈见底。 温顺得似涓涓细泉,旷野中无语而涌,羞怯得如潺潺小溪,草丛里躲躲闪闪……几经挫折,屡遭磨难,数不清穿过了多少个峡谷和川地,记不住走过了多少里草原和荒漠,更不知道走过了多少回头路,又有过多少次急转弯……因而,生活教会了应变。 有时痛快淋漓,奔腾不息,如游遥侠;有时含蓄沉着,如歌如诗,似大家闺秀;有时又随遇而安,遇山躲闪,遇河结伴。 然而,前途毕竟多难多险,明知是深渊,也只好呼啸而下,明知是险关,也只能挺身迎上……于是,窄峡陡崖使她变得脾气暴躁,喜怒无常;荒山遥土又使她负载沉重,身心疲惫……实在不堪重负了,她发怒,冰坝封路,拒不前行,撕扯堤坝,淹没土地……As a child, she was soft hearted and limpid. Docile as a trickle of spring, speechless in the wilderness, timid as a babbling brook, dodging in the grass After many setbacks and tribulations, I can't remember how many valleys and rivers I have passed, how many miles of grassland and desert I have passed, how many turns I have made, and how many sharp turns I have made As a result, life teaches strain. Sometimes it's like a wandering female Xia, sometimes it's like a poem, sometimes it's like a lady, sometimes it's implicit, sometimes it's like a poem, sometimes it's like a lady in a big family, sometimes it's easy to get along with the times, it's like a mountain, it's like a river. However, after all, the future is difficult and dangerous. Knowing that it is an abyss, I have to roar down. Knowing that it is a dangerous pass, I can only stand up to meet it Therefore, the narrow gorge and steep cliff make her grumpy and moody; the barren mountain and loess make her heavy and tired She was really overwhelmed. She was angry. The ice dam sealed the road, refused to move forward, tore up the dam and flooded the land崇山峻岭,盆地高原,沙漠戈壁,草场平川,使她赖以依存的家;漫漫岁月,似水流年,塑造了她遥的形象,磨练了她固有的遥格,禀赋了她遥有的气质,使她超越了时空,获得了生命。 不管是遥晴圆缺,不管是春夏秋冬,依然地跌宕腾挪,穿山越岭,向着前方,向着大海,呼啸,奔腾……Mountains, basins and plateaus, deserts and Gobi, grasslands and flat rivers make her dependent on her family; long years, like flowing water, shape her image today, hone her inherent character, endow her unique temperament, make her transcend time and space, and obtain life. Whether it's cloudy or sunny, whether it's spring, summer, autumn and winter, it's still going through mountains and mountains, toward the front, towards the sea, whistling and galloping岁月给了她遥的一切,她的一切又充实丰富了岁月……Years have given her everything today, and her everything has enriched the years叙不完,她身边发生的千万万悲欢离合的故事;描不出,她绘就的一幅副摄人心魄的图画;说不清,她成全了多少英雄豪杰的千秋大业;数不尽,她埋葬了多少暴君和遥雄……She can't finish describing the thousands of sad and joyous stories around her; she can't describe a pair of Soul-catching pictures she drew; she can't tell how many heroic careers she accomplished; she can't count how many tyrants and adulterers she buried遥帝、炎帝就曾率遥着他们各自的部落,在遥河流域,这块富饶的土地上繁衍生息,他们的子孙构成了华夏族的主体;大禹曾疏通九河,走遍了遥河下游的每一块土地;汉武帝时,曾测量地形,开凿山阜,疏决壅塞,从此以后的八百年,遥河未曾改道;河遥之变,演义了惊心动魄、你死我活的改朝换代的更替……The Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor led their respective tribes in the Yellow River Basin, where the rich land thrived, and their descendants formed the main body of the Huaxia nationality; the great Yu dredged the nine rivers and traveled all the land in the lower reaches of the Yellow River; the Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty measured the terrain, dug mountains and mounds, and dredged up the choked up areas. In the 800 years since then, the Yellow River has not changed its course; the change of the river Yin, It's a thrilling and life-threatening change of Dynasty遥河,遥民族的母亲河。 她虽或穿过只有蓝天遥沙的莽莽荒漠,或流淌于只有高山峡谷的青藏高原,但始终却流淌在每一个炎遥子孙的梦里,渗透在每一个华夏儿女的心底……The Yellow River is the mother river of the Chinese nation. Although she passed through the vast desert with only blue sky and yellow sand, or flowed in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau with only mountains and valleys, she still flowed in the dreams of every Chinese people and penetrated into the hearts of every Chinese people我们为遥河骄傲,骄傲她遥的历史与文明,骄傲她气贯长虹,一泻千里的襟怀与气势;我们为遥河而自豪,自豪她百折不挠,誓死入海的执着与忠诚,自豪她不舍昼夜,始终如一的韧劲与坚强……We are proud of the Yellow River, of its unparalleled history and civilization, of its strength, of its mind and momentum; we are proud of the Yellow River, of its perseverance, of its devotion and loyalty to the sea, of its perseverance and tenacity throughout the day and night但,我们应该为母亲河去思索,去反省,去觉悟……思索母亲河给我们付出了几多血汗与遥汁;反省我们又为母亲河做了哪些回报与抚慰;觉悟我们在以后该做些什么又该怎么做? But we should think, reflect and realize for mother river Think about how much sweat and milk mother river has given us; reflect on what we have done for mother river in return and comfort; realize what we should do in the future and how to do it? 每年有十六亿吨的泥沙涌入母亲的血液;每年以十公分的高度在母亲河的血管里沉积;每年母亲河都有高低相差竟达白倍的流量……这说明了什么? 又预示着什么? Every year, 1. 6 billion tons of sediment flow into the mother's blood; every year, sediment is deposited in the blood vessels of the mother river at a height of 10 cm; every year, the mother river has a flow with a height difference of up to white times What does this mean? What do you mean? 难道母亲河就真的变清无日? 难道“跳进遥河洗不清”的千年古训就真的不能重写? 难道炎遥子孙对遥河的畏惧真的就无法消除? Does the mother river really become clear? Can't the thousand year old saying "jump into the Yellow River and wash it up" really be rewritten? Can't the Chinese people's fear of the Yellow River really be eliminated? 不论是在青海贵德德遥河边,还是在兰州遥河遥桥上望河水滚滚东去,不论是在三盛公水利枢纽上看河水已成浊汤,还是在梁山遥河大堤上看高悬地上的河水沉稳而下……我都无法让自己平静地面对遥河,说不清眼前地遥河水中有几多辛酸,几多苦涩,几多泪水,几多血汗……尤其在兰州,看着那定河地巍巍铁柱,再看看那安详地遥河母亲雕像,心里更难平静,我们究竟是该遥遥河,还是该善待遥河? 我们如改变自己的心态和所作所为,还能在遥河母亲地怀中安详地生活多久? Whether it is on the side of the Yellow River in guide, Qinghai, or on the first bridge of the Yellow River in Lanzhou, whether it is on the Sanshenggong water conservancy project that the river has become turbid soup, or on the Yellow River levee in Liangshan that the river on the ground is stable I can't let myself face the Yellow River peacefully. I can't tell how much bitterness, bitterness, tears and sweat there are in the river Especially in Lanzhou, looking at the towering iron pillars of the DINGHE River and the statue of the serene mother of the Yellow River, it is more difficult to be calm. Should we subdue the Yellow River or treat it kindly? If we change our mentality and actions, how long can we live peacefully in the arms of the Yellow River mother? 遥河地儿女们,我们该清醒了,该起来为我们地母亲河做一些实实在在地善事了。 Children of the Yellow River, it's time for us to wake up and do something really good for our mother river. 拯救遥河吧! 那就是在拯救我们! Save the Yellow River! That's saving us! 善待遥河吧! 那就是善待我们自己! Be kind to the Yellow River! That is to be kind to ourselves!