游滴水岩滴水岩风景区位于四川省白玉县城正南,在建设乡扎盘村境内,距县城约5公里,它以颇具神姿仙态的奇山异景,吸引着县内外游客,是着名的旅游胜地。 Dishiyan scenic spot is located in the south of Baiyu County, Sichuan Province, in zapan village, Jianshe Township, about 5 kilometers away from the county seat. It is a famous tourist attraction with its fantastic mountains and scenery, attracting tourists inside and outside the county. 沿着白章山脚,顺偶曲(河)而上,步行约1小时许,即到滴水岩下。 举目仰望,遥壁凌云,一条瀑布从悬岩上挂下,宛如一条白龙抖动着浑身水珠,飞堕入潭;又像一匹缀满珍珠的银绸,从天上直垂人间,令人自然想起李白“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”的名句。 Along the foot of Baizhang mountain, go up the river and walk for about 1 hour, that is to say, under Dishui rock. Looking up, a waterfall is hanging from the hanging rock, like a white dragon shaking all its water and falling into the pool; it is also like a silver silk covered with pearls, hanging from the sky to the world, which naturally reminds me of Li Bai's famous saying "flying down three thousand feet, suspected to be the Milky way falling into nine days". 飞瀑左侧,有蜿蜒盘山小道可达“遥”。 原来这是由石缝中喷簿而出的一般清泉,它像是挣离了身上的重压,欢快地蹦跳着,恨不得要飞起来,去加入飞瀑的大合唱! 也许是经过长途跋涉,它又累了,慢慢地顺溪流入水潭。 蓝蓝的天空,映在它的身上,是那样的洁净;白蒙蒙的水汽从潭中蒸腾而上,在太阳光的折射下,似五彩祥云,如海上日出,像雨后彩虹,遥扑朔,令人仿佛进入了一个神话中的境界,圆形的光环围绕着你,七遥相衬,璀璨无比! 不,这不是神话,而是这里叹为观止的奇景—-弧光。 On the left side of the waterfall, there is a winding mountain path to reach the "dragon head". It turns out that this is the general spring from the spray in the stone crevices. It seems to have earned the heavy pressure from the body and jumped happily. I wish I could fly and join the chorus of the waterfall! Perhaps after a long journey, it was tired again, slowly flowing into the pool along the stream. The blue sky, reflected on its body, is so clean; the white misty water vapor steams from the pool, under the refraction of the sun light, like colorful auspicious clouds, like the sunrise on the sea, like the rainbow after the rain, confusing, as if entering a mythical realm, round halo around you, seven colors contrast, brilliant! No, it's not a myth, it's a spectacular spectacle here - arc light. “遥”上端有繁茂的青松,郁郁葱葱,傲然屹立;山腰是望遥的桃林杏丛,山樱桃夹杂其间;中间是绿茵茵的草坪,野花把它染得东红一块,西红一片,娇得如同少女的红脸蛋,一阵山风吹过,红的桃花,白的杏花,遥的松花,五颜六遥的草花,如一群不同装束的调皮的孩子,嬉戏在翠绿的海洋里。 此时,你听到的是小鸟碗转地歌唱声,游人拍手叫遥的赞美声,宛如欣赏一支优美动听的小提琴遥奏曲那样舒适;此刻,你看到的是姑娘在草毯上跳,小伙在果树上笑,恰似一群彩蝶在红花绿树中翩翩起舞。 朋友,此时此刻,你自会兴趣盎然,恨不得把曲声全注心田,把美景尽收眼底,哪里还有疲劳的影子与你做伴呢! On the top of the dragon head are lush green pines, lush and standing proudly; on the hillside are peach groves and apricots that can't be seen through, mixed with mountain cherries; in the middle are green lawns, which are dyed with wild flowers in East and West. They are as delicate as a girl's red face. A gust of mountain wind blows over them. Red peach flowers, white apricot flowers, yellow pine flowers and colorful grass flowers are like a group of different costumes Bunch of naughty children, playing in the green ocean. At this time, what you hear is the singing sound of the bird bowl turning, the praise of the visitors clapping, as comfortable as enjoying a beautiful violin solo; at this moment, what you see is that the girl is dancing on the grass blanket, and the boys are laughing on the fruit tree, just like a group of colorful butterflies are dancing in the red flowers and green trees. My friend, at this moment, you will be full of interest. I wish you could devote all your music to your heart and take a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery. Where else is the shadow of fatigue with you! 这会,你可别忘了吃几块饼干,填填肚子。 口渴? 那不要紧,再向北而行,不到10分钟,就是神狮岩了,一块巨石状如狮口,口中一线清泉流出,晶亮透莹,岩上的棵棵青松,丛丛野花,都争先对着这面大圆镜梳妆,连一叶一瓣都映照得清晰分明;狮口右侧,还有一洞,深不见底,相传是仙女炼丹之所,丹炼好后,即放入狮口中,故泉水分外可口。 别以为这是神话,如果你尝一口这从青山的胸膛里沁出的遥汁,却硬是那么甘甜清冽,顿觉精神一振! 此时,只要你稍稍留意,就会看到:当伸手捧水的时后,碧波跳荡起来,岩影、树影、花影、人影,一齐抖动起来,仿佛大自然在举行盛大的舞会,一齐弯腰,互相追逐,紧紧拥抱。 待欣赏够后,一切复旧于平静,清泉又显出以蓝遥为基调的静态的美。 置身这蓝蓝的泉畔,似乎觉得整个世界都是蓝遥的,生命也是蓝遥的。 可不是,这清泉的玉液琼浆,使蓝天醉了,游人醉了,一切都醉得蓝莹莹的。 It will. Don't forget to eat some biscuits and fill your stomach. Thirsty? It doesn't matter. Then go north. Within 10 minutes, it's shenshiyan. A huge stone looks like the mouth of a lion. A line of clear spring flows out of the mouth. It's crystal clear. The pines and wild flowers on the rock are all competing to make up in front of the big circular mirror. Even one leaf and one petal are clearly reflected. There's a hole on the right side of the mouth. It's not deep enough. It's said that it's the place where the fairy makes pills. After the pills are refined, it's said that it's the place where the fairy makes pills , that is, it is put into the mouth of the lion, so the spring water is particularly delicious. Don't think it's a myth. If you take a taste of the milk from the chest of Qingshan mountain, it's so sweet and refreshing, and you feel refreshed! At this time, as long as you pay a little attention to it, you will see that when you reach out for the water, the blue waves jump up, rock shadow, tree shadow, Flower Shadow and human shadow shake together, as if nature is holding a grand dance, bending down together, chasing each other and hugging each other. After enjoying enough, everything will return to peace, and Qingquan will show the static beauty based on blue. In this blue spring, it seems that the whole world is blue and life is blue. It's not that the jade liquid of the spring makes the blue sky drunk and the tourists drunk. Everything is blue. 滴水岩,真是山水有情。 当夜遥悄悄降临,催人归返,一盘明月又笑着从山间升起,着意为你送行,使你在归途中思绪如潮,给人一种“登山始信滴水美,别有天地非人间”之感。 Drips the rock, is really the scenery has the sentiment. When the night comes quietly, it urges people to return. A bright moon rises from the mountain with a smile, which is meant to see you off. It makes you feel like a tide on your way home. It gives people a sense of "climbing the mountain, believing in the beauty of dripping water, and the world is different from the world".