


2020-04-28 00:00:00浏览:
(文嘉《明日歌》)Tomorrow is tomorrow, tomorrow is so many.
I was born to tomorrow and everything was wasted.
If the world is tired by tomorrow, old generals will come from spring to autumn.
Look at the water flowing east, and look at the sun falling West in the evening.
Please listen to my tomorrow song.
(Wenjia's song of tomorrow)遥复遥,遥何其少!
(文嘉《遥歌》)诗:1、咏月无名氏Today is more than today!
Not today.
When is it!
It's a pity not to live a hundred years today!
If my sister-in-law is here in the Ming Dynasty, there will be Ming affairs again.
Please start from today.
(Wenjia's today's song) poem: 1.
Singing the moon昨夜圆非今夜圆,Last night's round is not tonight's round,一年十二度圆月,Twelve full moons a year,能得几多时少年How long can I be a teenager却疑圆处减婵娟。
But I doubt that the circle will reduce the beauty of the moon.
Hamamelis唐杜秋娘Don Du Qiuniang劝君须惜少年时。
I advise you to cherish your youth.
劝君莫惜金缕衣,Please don't take care of the golden wisps,有花堪折直须折,If you have flowers, you have to fold them,莫待无花空折枝。
Don't wait for flowers to break branches.
3、劝学3, encourage learning颜真卿learned scholar三更灯火五更鸡,Three more lights, five more chickens,正是男儿读书时。
It was when the man was reading.
黑发不知勤学早,I don't know how early I study hard,白首方悔读书迟。
Bai Shoufang regrets reading late.
明日歌Tomorrow's song明日复明日,Tomorrow is tomorrow,明日何其多。
How many tomorrow.
我生待明日,I was born tomorrow,万事成蹉跎。
Everything is wasted.
Long song line青青园中葵,Sunflower in green garden,朝露待日曦。
The morning dew waits for the sun.
阳春布德泽,In spring, budze,万物生光辉。
All things make light.
常恐秋节至,Often afraid of Autumn Festival,焜遥花叶衰。
Kun yellow flowers and leaves decline.
百川东到海,From east Sichuan to the sea,何时复西归。
When to return to the West.
少壮不努力,Young people don't work hard,老大徒伤悲。
The eldest brother is sad.