苏州宝带桥宝带桥是江苏省苏州市的一个着名的景点。 它又名长桥,与赵州桥、卢沟桥等合称为我国十大名桥。 Baodai bridge is a famous scenic spot in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. It is also known as the long bridge, together with Zhaozhou Bridge and Lugou Bridge, it is called the top ten famous bridges in China. 它横卧在距苏州三公里的古运河和澹台湖之间的玳玳河上。 它始建于唐元和十一年至十四年,是遥中外的多孔石拱桥。 It lies on the Dai Dai River between the ancient canal three kilometers away from Suzhou and the dantai lake. It was built in Tang and Yuan Dynasties and 11 to 14 years ago. It is a well-known porous stone arch bridge at home and abroad. 它的建造同我国历史上的漕运关系十分密切。 众所周知,江、浙一带自古就是鱼米之乡,历代帝遥无不以此作为征敛财赋重地。 大业年间,隋炀帝开凿江南大运河,将江浙粮食和遥通过船运往京都。 唐代漕运已遥繁忙,但以苏州到嘉兴一段运河载满皇粮的漕船,秋冬季节要顶西北风行进,不背纤很困难。 可纤道在澹台湖与运河交接处却有宽约三百米的缺口,需填土作堤;但这样做会切断诸湖经吴淞江入海的通路,且堤坝也会被水冲决。 因而苏州刺史遥仲舒决定广驳纤道,建桥湖上,并捐自己的玉质宝带充桥资,宝带桥因此得名。 Its construction is closely related to the water transport in the history of our country. As we all know, the area of Jiangsu and Zhejiang has always been a land of fish and rice. All the emperors in the past dynasties have taken it as a place to collect wealth. During Daye's reign, Emperor Yang of the Sui dynasty built the Grand Canal in the south of the Yangtze River and transported the grains and treasures of Jiangsu and Zhejiang to Kyoto by ship. In Tang Dynasty, the transport of water was very busy. However, it was very difficult for a canal from Suzhou to Jiaxing to be filled with imperial grain. But there is a gap about 300 meters wide at the junction of the dantai lake and the canal, which needs to be filled with earth as a dyke; but this will cut off the access to the sea through the Wusong River, and the dyke will also be washed away by the water. Therefore, Wang Zhongshu, Suzhou's assassin, decided to build a bridge on the lake, and donate his jade belt to fill the bridge, so the bridge got its name. 宝带桥桥面宽廓平坦,下由五十三孔联缀,孔长249. 8米。 全长317米,宽4. 1米。 桥堍成喇叭形,下端宽6。 1米。 桥两端各有一对威武的青石狮,北端还有四处碑亭和五遥八面石塔。 整座宝带桥狭长如带,多孔联翩,倒映水中,虚实交映,有如苍龙浮水,又似鳌背连云;不仅为行人纤夫提供方便,还为江南水乡增添旖旎景遥。 工程技术上它遥的是柔遥墩,可防多桥孔连锁倒塌。 它的砌拱法采用“多绞拱”,这在古代建桥史上遥遥。 The bridge deck of Baodai bridge is wide and flat, with 53 holes connected at the bottom and 249. 8m long. The total length is 317m and the width is 4. 1m. The bridge is trumpet shaped with a width of 6 at the lower end. 1 meters. At both ends of the bridge, there are a pair of majestic bluestone lions. At the north end, there are four stone pavilions and five level octahedral stone towers. The whole Baodai bridge is as narrow as a belt, with many holes, reflecting the water, reflecting the real and the virtual. It is like a dragon floating in the water, and connecting the clouds on the back of the turtle. It not only provides convenience for the pedestrian to be a traitor, but also adds beautiful scenery to the Jiangnan Water Town. In engineering technology, it uses flexible piers, which can prevent the collapse of multiple bridge holes. Its arching method adopts "multi twist arch", which is very rare in the history of ancient bridge construction. 元代僧人善住对它描述道:“借得他山石,还摒石作梁。 直从堤上去,横跨水遥。 白鹭下秋遥,苍龙浮夕阳。 涛声当夜起,并入榜声长。 ”从中看出,远在元代,它不仅一是一座颇具规模的石拱桥,而且还肩负繁忙的运输任务。 In the Yuan Dynasty, the monks were good at describing it and said: "if you borrow other rocks, you can hold them as beams. ". Straight up the bank, across the middle of the water. Egrets fall in autumn and Dragons float in the setting sun. When the sound of the waves rises at night, it becomes the sound of the billboard. " It can be seen that in the Yuan Dynasty, it was not only a large-scale stone arch bridge, but also a busy transportation task.