中秋节雨夜赏月2008年9月14日 星期六 遥中秋节雨夜赏月Mid Autumn Festival甘肃省靖煤公司二中小学部二(3)班 杨淇“爸爸,我们去赏月吧。 老师让我们中秋节晚上要赏月。 ”我抱着爸爸的大肚皮说。 "Dad, let's go to see the moon. The teacher asked us to enjoy the moon on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival. " I said holding my father's big belly. “小傻瓜,外面下着雨呢。 ”爸爸摸着我的头说。 "Little fool, it's raining outside. " Dad touched my head and said. “那我们打着雨伞去吧。 ”我认真地说。 "Then let's go with an umbrella. " I mean it. 天黑黑的,伸手不见五指。 小雨“沙沙沙”地下着。 我和爸爸打着雨伞站在雨地里,看着天。 It's dark. I can't see my fingers. Light rain "sand sand" underground. My father and I stood in the rain with umbrellas and watched the sky. “爸爸,为什么中秋节的月亮是较圆的? ”"Dad, why is the moon the most round on Mid Autumn Festival? "“因为中秋节是个团圆的日子。 ”"Because Mid Autumn Festival is a day of reunion. "“那四川灾区的孤儿也能过上团圆的中秋节吗? ”"Can the orphans in the disaster area of Sichuan also have the Mid Autumn Festival of reunion? "爸爸没有立刻回答我的问题,而是思考了一会儿,才说:“祖国是个大家庭,遥的小朋友都会过上一个团圆的中秋节。 ”My father didn't answer my question immediately, but thought for a while, and then said, "the motherland is a big family, and children all over the country will have a reunion Mid Autumn Festival. "爸爸说的真好! 虽然今晚我没有看见月亮,但我相信,遥的小朋友都会过上一个幸福、甜蜜、团团圆圆的中秋节。 What my father said is very good! Although I didn't see the moon tonight, I believe that children all over the country will have a happy, sweet and round Mid Autumn Festival.