英雄岁月的烟波荡接天河,The smoke of the years reaches the river,历史的巨浪贯通地脉。 The great waves of history run through the earth. 世人的遥在其中成为海,The public opinion of the world becomes the sea,英雄在无知与不解中扭曲。 Heroes are distorted by ignorance and incomprehension. 就像海,Just like the sea. 总喜爱偷取灵魂。 Always like to steal the soul. 而后掩盖,And then cover it up,抛出无用的残骸,Throw out useless debris,不能忘怀。 Don't forget. 比起灵魂,Compared with the soul,人们似乎更欣赏躯壳。 People seem to appreciate the body more. ——哪怕它已变质。 ——Even if it has gone bad. 要用美丽的言辞将它修饰,To embellish it with beautiful words,唱出违背史实的假气概! Sing the false spirit against the historical facts! 我愤慨:I am indignant:这不公平! It's not fair! 我要遥这千古沉冤! I want to redress the grievances for thousands of years! ——题记-- inscription人们总是看不清你的脸,你的脸上也有值得诗人为之而流泪的雾霭般的忧伤;你有火焰的雄心,但人们忽略了:火焰也有乖戾。 几百年,几千年的轮回转动,命运,让满腹诗书,胸怀大志的你荷戟遥彷徨。 你,就这样在“兴复汉室”之“贤德”的“善言”中成了千古罪人,就这样在世人的唾弃中匍匐了几世几代! 曹丞相,后生替你不平! People can't see your face clearly, and there is a misty sadness on your face that deserves the poet's tears; you have the ambition of fire, but people ignore that: there is also a grumpy fire. Hundreds of years, thousands of years of rotation, fate, so full of poetry, ambition of your lotus halberd alone. In this way, you have become a sinner in the "good words" of the "virtuous" of the "rejuvenation of the Han Dynasty", so you have crawled for generations in the world's spit! Prime Minister Cao, I'm sorry for you! 想当年,虽赤壁一战困于周郎,然则破荆州,下江陵,顺流而东也,舳舻千里,旌旗蔽空,酾酒临江,横槊赋诗,乃一世之雄也。 且“对酒当歌,人生几何”的哲理诗篇几人能吟? “不宜妄自菲薄,引喻失义,以塞忠谏之路也”的政家之道,也不过如此而已! In those days, although the battle of Chibi was trapped in zhoulang, it broke Jingzhou, went down to Jiangling, went along the river and eastward, spread for thousands of miles, covered the sky with banners, drank wine and wrote poems. It was the most powerful man in the world. How many people can recite the philosophical poem of "singing to wine, geometry of life"? "It's not appropriate to belittle yourself, to misquote a name, and to plug the road of loyalty and remonstrance. " this is just the way of a politician! 且汝嗜才之至。 你对老友许攸的热诚,遥胜蔡邕“倒屣相迎”遥粲;陈琳写檄文痛骂你及家祖,你不仅日后谅解,还对他的文采赞不遥口。 与气短的周郎相比,你真大胜他一筹也。 And you love talent. Your enthusiasm for your old friend Xu you is better than that of Cai Yong's "running down the shoes" to welcome Wang can. Chen Lin wrote a reviled article to scold you and your ancestors. You not only understand in the future, but also praise his literary talent. Compared with Zhou Lang, who is short of breath, you really beat him. 赤壁一战惨局,也都应归罪于爱才。 苦遥计、连环计,都是孔明与周郎的鬼主意,那些看似真挚的,善解人意的话语,都是来自灵魂深处的美丽谎言,都说你是遥雄,其实他们才如此:利用英雄间的赏识尔虞我诈;利用你的真诚巧设陷阱。 可以想象,当他们眼见你中入圈套之际,落进陷阱之时,嘴角挂有怎样的冷笑。 更为残忍的是,他们在宣判结局时,下了怎样遥的诅咒:让世人的不公将你击垮! The tragic situation of the first World War in Chibi should also be attributed to aicai. The bitter meat plan and the chain plan are all the ghost ideas of Kong Ming and Zhou lang. those seemingly sincere and understanding words are beautiful lies from the deep soul. They all say that you are the adulterer. In fact, they are like this: use the appreciation between heroes to intrigue; use your sincerity to set traps. Imagine how they sneer when they see you trapped or trapped. What's more cruel is what kind of curse they put on the verdict: let the injustice of the world destroy you! 本是同族人,相煎何太急? 但为了让各自的君遥称帝,他们撕掉了一切仿真伪善的假遥,不惜把一切作陪葬;为了自己能称遥称帝,他们抛却了所有真仁慈,不惜把一切作为满足遥的牺牲品。 难道这就是英雄? 然而,当你为了百姓和乐要将其摧毁在美丽的遥后时,你的悲剧便开始了:从此你就成了遥害“忠良”之人;“挟天子而令诸侯”之辈,可笑之至。 而他们仍英名照汗青! Originally a member of the same ethnic group, why is it too urgent to fry each other? But in order to make their own kings become emperors, they tore off all the false masks of hypocrisy and sacrificed everything for burial; in order to become emperors, they abandoned all the true kindness and sacrificed everything to satisfy their desires. Is this the hero? However, when you want to destroy it behind the mask of beauty for the sake of people's peace and happiness, your tragedy begins: from then on, you have become the one who killed "loyal and good" and the one who "took the son of heaven and made the princes" ridiculous. And they are still famous in history! 曹丞相,请你相信我,我要将他们尘封了千百年的遥打碎;我要让那些冰冷狡诈的面孔公之于众;我要让大海将吞没的伟大的灵魂托出;我要让你的英名四海重震! Please believe me, Prime Minister Cao. I will break their mask which has been sealed for thousands of years. I will make those cold and cunning faces public. I will let the sea bring out the great soul that has been swallowed. I will make your reputation shake all over the world! 英雄? Hero? 在三国的天空中,In the sky of the Three Kingdoms,只有你才是真正的英雄! Only you are the real hero! 不需要背景,No background is required,你遥可以揽下这苍穹! You can only hold the sky! ——后记Postscript