假如记忆可以移植假如记忆可以移植,我就要实现我的愿望。 If memory can be transplanted, I will realize my wish. 假如记忆可以移植,我希望可以把被世人称为“圆舞曲的国遥”的约翰·施特劳施所谱写和演奏过的曲目一清二楚、过目不忘,让我全身上下都充满音乐细胞,遥随地都能演奏出一首令人陶醉的乐曲。 既然约翰·施特劳施能成为萨尔茨堡的骄傲,我为什么不能成为昭平的骄傲呢? 说不定有朝一日我还真的成为一位举世闻名的钢琴家,技艺遥、饮誉天下呢! If the memory can be transplanted, I hope that the repertoire composed and played by John Strauss, who is known as the king of waltz, will be clear and unforgettable, so that my whole body is full of musical cells, and I can play an intoxicating music anytime and anywhere. Since John Strauss can be Salzburg's pride, why can't I be Zhaoping's pride? Maybe one day I will really become a world-famous pianist with excellent skills and world-renowned reputation! 假如记忆可以移植,我希望可以把明代着名的旅行家徐客霞的记忆移植到我的脑子里。 这样一来,我就不用费吹灰之力就可以痛痛快快地游览了祖国的大好河山一番,而且还能记忆犹新、历历在目。 嗬,那该多好啊! 我还可以把当时游览过程和沿途风景写成一本书,让人们既不用父母陪伴,又不用参加集体旅游,做遥特殊的旅游——书上旅游,遥遥地大饱眼福,对祖国的山山水水了如指掌。 对了,我还可以在2008年为到北京参加旅游的外国人做导游呢! If memory can be transplanted, I hope I can transplant the memory of Xu Kexia, a famous Traveler in Ming Dynasty, into my brain. In this way, I can visit the great rivers and mountains of my motherland without any effort, and I can still remember them vividly. Oh, how nice! I can also write a book about the tour process and the scenery along the way at that time, so that people can do a special tour - book tour, one-time feast their eyes and know the mountains, rivers and rivers of the motherland without the company of their parents or taking part in group tour. By the way, I can also be a tour guide for foreigners to Beijing in 2008! 假如记忆可以移植,我希望可以把春秋末期着名的思想家,教育家和儒家学派创始人孔子的记忆移植到我的脑子里。 这样一来,我对所有“拦路虎”都可以迎刃而解;在考试前也不必绞尽脑汁地死记硬背;考试时也不用抓耳挠腮的冥思苦想了;写作文时也不会生搬硬套、千篇一律。 在学习上更胜人一筹,说不定在不久的将来我还会想孔子一样成为一个满肚子墨水的大教育家呢! 到时肯定会让你刮目相看。 If memory can be transplanted, I hope I can transplant the memory of Confucius, a famous thinker, educator and founder of Confucianism, into my brain. In this way, I can solve all the obstacles easily; I don't have to memorize hard before the exam; I don't have to scratch my head and think hard during the exam; I don't copy the same things mechanically when I write a composition. I am better than others in my study. Maybe in the near future, I will become a big educator full of ink like Confucius! It will definitely make you look good. 假如记忆可以移植,那该多好啊! If only memory could be transplanted, how wonderful it would be!