我的假期生活“五一”终于到了,在这七天里我是多么地快乐。 那么就让我讲述这七天里的快乐生活吧! May day has finally arrived. How happy I am in these seven days. Let me talk about the happy life in these seven days! 因为“五一”的来临这就意味着快乐的时光将要降临。 Because the coming of May Day means that happy time will come. 假期的遥天,我吵着闹着要去外公、外婆家,妈妈拗不过我的要求,就同意了,不过妈妈说:“只能住三天。 ”我爽快地答应了。 On the first day of the holiday, I quarreled to go to my grandparents' home. My mother couldn't resist my request and agreed, but she said, "I can only live for three days. " I readily agreed. 在那儿,每天傍晚我都要去游泳,躺在那碧波荡漾的水中,仿佛在太空游玩一样轻松自在,身体的疲惫、学习上的烦恼都消除掉了,“哇,好舒服呀! ”我不由从心底里发出感叹。 There, every evening I would go swimming, lying in the rippling water, as if playing in space as relaxed, body fatigue, learning troubles have been eliminated, "Wow, so comfortable! " I can't help sighing from the bottom of my heart. 游玩泳后,就回家吃饭,看网络电视……After swimming, go home for dinner and watch Internet TV转眼间三天就这样过去了。 妈妈把我接回家后就问我作业写完了没有。 我这才想起来,不好了! 作业还没有写呢? 于是,我乖乖地坐在书桌前,认认遥地、聚精会神地写了四个小时,一口气做完了全部的作业。 Three days passed in a flash. My mother took me home and asked if I had finished my homework. That's what I remember. No! Have you finished your homework yet? So, I sat at my desk obediently, conscientiously and attentively for four hours, finishing all my homework in one go. 下午,妈妈说可以让我去她学校玩。 在那儿玩网络游戏《帝国时代征服者》很是开心,一会儿就到了放学时间,很想继续玩,不过那个游戏是用光盘刻录的,还好我比较聪明,记得把光盘带回家复制在自己的电脑上,今后就可以想玩就玩了。 In the afternoon, my mother said I could go to her school. I had a good time playing the online game conqueror of the Empire. It was time for school and I wanted to continue playing. However, the game was recorded on CD. Fortunately, I was smart. I remember to take the CD home and copy it on my computer. I can play it if I want. 不知为什么,快乐时光总是那么容易稍纵即逝,“五一”七天长假就这样过去了,回想起来,这个假期生活是多么的快乐、美好呀! I don't know why, happy time is always so easy and fleeting, "May Day" seven days long holiday passed like this. In retrospect, how happy and wonderful the holiday life is!