

To pull the plug on something 终止遏止

2016-08-08 00:00:00浏览:
To pull the plug on something 终止遏止插头plug 是很多电子设备必遥少的部件。
我们常用表达pull the plug on something “把插销拔下来”表示停止、阻止某事继续进行,尤指停止资助某个项目或计划,从而使该项目下马。
例句 I'm afraid the university has pulled the plug on the plan to upgrade the computers in the library.
We'll have to make do with what we've got for another couple of years.
When the viewing figures fell below a million the TV station pulled the plug on the series.
If you can't make a profit in five years we will have to pull the plug on further investments.
请注意 单词plug 做动词时可以指在广播、电视等媒体上为某产品、活动、节目等大肆推销。
例句 He's on four different TV programmes today plugging his new book.
I'm going to be giving a plug to a great new film.