get worked up over something Definition: become angry or annoyed about somethin work something off Definition: lose weight 含义是减肥,减轻体重 例句: I‘m going running (来源:老牌的英语学习网站 http://www.2hzz.com) 1.瞒天过海crossing the sea under camouflage 2. Word for the WiseApril 20, 2007 Broadcast Topic: NugationOur investigation was i Word for the WiseMay 24, 2007 Broadcast Topic: FodderQuestions like ‘what‘s the Word for the WiseMarch 15, 2007 Broadcast Topic: NewfangledAfter we were seized Word for the WiseMarch 09, 2007 Broadcast Topic: VirulentA scientist friend aske look over(察看, 检查) vs overlook (露看,忽略) (来源:英语学习门户 http://www.2hzz.com)Look over i Everyone can do something for our environment. What Can I Do for Our Environment 插头plug 是很多电子设备必遥少的部件。只有把它与插座连上时,设备才能通电;相反,如果把插头拔下来,设备会停止运行。我们常用表达pull the plug