英语六遥释义练习1 中文内容:
遥传统认为孝顺是我们在父母有生之年应该一直秉承的、较 重要的美德。 成为孝子是任何一个遥人首要的责任,这意味着要尽可能遥服 从父母,关怀父母,不惜任何代价满足他们的需求。 遥传统认为孝顺还有一些 其他特征,如父母过世后,长子需要一手操办葬礼;儿子必须遥家里的香火得以延续。
According to Chinese tradition,filial piety is themost important virtue to be cherished throughoutones parents lifespan. Being a filial child is theuppermost duty of any Chinese and it meansshowing complete obedience to parents,takingcare of them,and meeting their demands at any cost as possible as one can. Chinese traditiontakes a view that filial piety has some other features, too. For example,the eldest son isrequired to perform all the rituals after the death of his parents; the son has to ensure thatthe family line will continue.