真是倾盆大雨呀!有没有特别喜欢下雨天的童鞋呢? 下雨较适合睡觉、听音乐. . . . . . 听起来,是不是感觉有点颓废呢? 其实,不用上班不用上学时,下雨天时候,不妨待在家里练练口语呀看看书,这也是种好的消遣方式。 好啦,话不多说,回归正题,英语中关于“下雨了”的表达方式,你知道多少呢? michael podger@jammypodger7470/unsplash---It's pouring/coming down in buckets outside. 真是倾盆大雨呀。 ---Yes. I got soaked when I came back from the market. 是啊,从超市回来,我的衣服都湿透了。 ---I hate such nasty weather. For me, I'd rather stay at home and do some reading. 我讨厌这样糟糕的天气,我宁愿待在家里看看书好了。 平时想形容雨下得很大时,不妨遥上面对话中出现的:It's pouring/coming down in buckets. 真是倾盆大雨呀。 相似的表达还有:It rains cats and dogs. 真是倾盆大雨呀。 The rain came down in torrents. 大雨如注。 It was pouring down. 天空下着倾盆大雨。 我们知道怎样形容雨下得很大了,那么怎么用英语表达毛毛细雨呢? 春天来了,携着细雨而来,润物细无声. . . . . . ---The rain has almost stopped, it's just drizzling now. 雨几乎停了,遥只是在下毛毛雨了。 ---Look, the rain has sprouted the seeds overnight. 看,雨遥就使种子发芽了。 有没有发现怎么用英语表达关于“毛毛细雨”的呢? It's drizzling now. 遥下起了毛毛细雨。 The rain has become a light drizzle. 雨减弱成毛毛细雨了。