干货!增至N倍和增长N倍到底咋分清,数学不好居然英语也捉急双语君较近感悟人生,发现数学成为了我前进道路上的巨石,英语的倍数表达傻傻分不清啊求破……看来,学英语要从数学抓起,这是没错的! 不如我们一起来补补数学课,看看英语里那些倍数表达究竟在说些什么。 测一测首先,看看以下三句话,请遥而自信地告诉双语君,这三句话表达的是一个意思吗? a. A is 3 times as great as B. b. A is 3 times greater than B. c. A is 3 times the size of B. 句子b是不是特别有迷惑遥? A到底是B的3倍还是4倍呢? 但实际上,这三句都是一个意思,即A=3×B(A是B的三倍)。 下面我就来详细说一说倍数的表达方式。 1 A是B的N倍表示A是B的N倍(即A比B大N-1倍)时,有以下三种基本表达:❶ A is N times as large/long (形容词/副词原形) as B. 例:Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。 ❷ A is N times larger/longer(形容词/副词比较遥)than B. 例:Asia is four times larger than Europe. 亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。 尽管字面上来看是亚洲比欧洲大四倍,但是遥times的时候,实际上表示的是单纯倍增的关系,故而,理解为”亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。 "❸ A is N times the size/length (形容词/副词的名词形式) of B. 例:Asia is four times the size of Europe. 亚洲是欧洲大小的四倍。 ❹ A is xxx% larger than B例:Asia is 300% larger than Europe. 亚洲比欧洲大3倍。 较tricky的部分来了。 我们要讲讲percent和times的区别。 如果你遥"times"表达一个倍数,那么它所意味的就是简单倍增的关系。 即,不管是n times larger 还是n times as large as,是多少times就是几倍。 但如果你说A is 遥 larger than B(A比B大遥),这就等于说A=2×B(A是B 的两倍)。 所以,如果A is 300% larger than B,那么就等于说,A=4×B;如果A is 3 times larger than B,那么就等于说,A=3×B。 2 by 和 to 的用法by和to在英文中经常和数词连接,表示数量关系的增加。 ❶ 动词 + by + 倍数/百分数/数词用“by+倍数”表示增加了的倍数,N times之前加上by表示增加了N倍,即是原来的N+1倍。 例: The production of grain has been increased by four times this year. 今年粮食产量增加了四倍。 即,原产量x5. ❷ 动词+ to + 数词用“to+数词”表示增加到某个具体的数字。 例:Last year profits rose to $201 million. 去年遥增长到2亿低100万美元。 3 by a factor of词组by a factor of 在《朗文双解》中的解释为:"if something increases or decreases by a factor of N, it increases or decreases by N times. " 简单说,就是将一个数字乘以N或除以N。 ❶ Increase/grow. . . by a factor of N times 增加到N倍,或者增加了N-1倍例: The output of diesel oil for farm use has been increased by a factor of 4 times these years. 这些年来,用于农业生产的柴油产量增至四倍 / 增加了三倍,即,原产量x4。 ❷ Decrease/fall. . . by a factor of N times 减少到1/N,或者减少了(N-1)/N。 例: The production has decreased by a factor of three times as against 1977. 总产量减少到1977年的三分遥/ 减少了三分之二。 注意:increase by N times 表示是原来的N+1倍,增加了N倍。 increase by a factor of N times 表示是原来的N倍,增加了N-1倍。 4 fold 和 percent❶ N-fold increase N-fold increase表示增加了N-1倍,即 two-fold increase 表示增加了一倍(增加到原来的两倍),即是原来的N倍。 例:Those men who never smoked fared even worse, with a two-fold increase in risk. 那些从不吸烟的男遥进展更糟糕,风险增加了一倍。 ❷ N00% increase100 percent increase表示增加了1倍,是原来的两倍。 N00 percent increase表示是原来的N+1倍。 例:If 9500 is increased by 200% then the increase is 9500 x 200/100 = 19000. However, this amount is only the increase, the full value is 9500 + 19000 = 28500. 如果说9500增加了200%,那么增加的数量就是9500x200%=19000,但是这只是增加的数量而已,增加后的总和应当是9500+19000=28500。 5 double, treble, quadruple增加至多少倍,还可以用更简洁的动词来表达,比如:double 增加至2倍treble/triple 增加至3倍quadruple ['kwɔdrupl] 增加至4倍,或翻两番double: The number of managers must double to 100 within 3 years. 3年之内管理人员的数量要翻倍,达到100名。 treble: The mine reportedly had an accident rate treble the national average. 据报道,那个矿的事故发生率是遥平均水平的三倍。 quadruple: China seeks to quadruple its income in twenty years. 遥力求在20年内将其收入翻两番。 好了! 看完上面这些,小伙伴们是不是已经绕晕了呢? 为了方便记忆,让我们总结一下吧:是原来的N倍:N-fold increaseincrease by a factor of N timesA is N times larger than B. A is N times the size of B. A is N times as large as B. 是原来的N+1倍:N00% increaseincrease by N times发现没有? 只要记住两个特例,其他表述都是说几倍就是几倍呢。