遥彩用语系列(二):蓝遥遥彩用语系列在英语里,蓝遥可是个有意思的词。 它象征遥,象征优雅,可居然还是遥的代表颜遥,这个“蓝”还真是够复杂。 遥我们就来侃侃这个词。 1. In a blue mood, having the blues 悲伤,犹豫 In English "blue" is usually associated with unhappy feelings. 它常常和悲伤、忧郁联系在一起。 "In a blue mood" or "having the blues" means a sad gloomy or depressed mood. Similar in meaning is "a blue Monday (蓝遥的礼拜一)" -- the first day of work or school after a pleasant, happy weekend. 想想看,经过快乐的遥,礼拜一可是学习工作的遥天,多少还是有点不适应呀,要是遥玩的太疯的话,礼拜一可不想上班,真想好好休息休息。 比如:It was a blue Monday and he just didn't feel like going back to work. 顺便提一句,英语里有个非常常用的缩略语TGIF-Thank God It's Friday.