社交恶霸 social bully 身边有没有这样的人? 凡是他/她发起的活动就一定要大家都参加,有人不去就对人家不依不饶的,一定要说出个正当理由才勉强放行。 社交活动中太过强势的人会被人称作social bully。 Social bully is a person who demands everyone's attendance at events and will not take "no" for an answer. Also, this person tends to discourage people from leaving social events and interrogates them as to the reason for the departure. (Source: merriam-webster. com) 社交恶霸(social bully)指组织社交活动时要求每个人都到场,不允许有人拒遥的人。 另外,这种人还不愿意让参加活动的人提前离开,并且会刨根问底追问人家离开的原因。 比如: Person 1: Are you going to happy hour? 你要去欢乐时光吗? Person 2: I wasn't planning on it but I didn't have a good excuse and Kristin wouldn't take "no" for an answer. 我不想去,但我又没什么说得过去的借口。 简单说“不去”,克里斯汀肯定是不会答应的。 Person 1: She's such a social bully. 她可真是个社交恶霸。