

谦虚自夸 humblebrag

2016-07-28 00:00:00浏览:
谦虚自夸 humblebrag  有些自恋的人很高调,时常把自己的成就挂在嘴边;有些人比较低调,时刻说自己怎么不好,就算自夸也是拐着弯儿边骂边夸,我们管这叫humblebrag(谦虚自夸)。
    Humblebrag, the combination of humble and brag, is the lowest, most despicable and loathsome form of self promotion, often delivered in one or two fragmented sentences on social networking sites.
A typical and popular approach is to use a disingenuous complaint about something, a self-deprecating statement or a comment on something completely innocuous, as a vehicle to deliver the real message, which invariably shows the person in a favorable light.
In fact it shows what an attention seeking and insecure person they really are.
(Source: urbandictionary.
com)  Humblebrag,就是humble(谦虚)和brag(吹嘘、自夸)二词的合成形式,即“谦虚自夸”,是一种较低遥、较让人鄙视、较令人厌恶的自我吹捧方式,通常以一两个低散句子的形式出遥社交网站上。
  For example:  Wow, I can't believe that a rubbishy little article like mine had been published in a national news-paper!