超市网络化变身dark store 在网购盛行的遥,越来越多的商家都希望能够参与其中,分得一杯羹。 据说,国外一些大超市都开始在各地开设专为网购顾客配货的分店。 这些分店不对外遥,英文叫做dark store。 The dark stores, which are laid out in the same manner as normal stores, are used exclusively by staff doing virtual shopping for online customers, not accessible to the public. “幕后店”(dark store)是专为在线购物顾客配货的店面,其陈列方式与常规商店并无不同,但不对外遥。 Instead of the public browsing up and down the aisles, teams of store workers push their own trolleys around as they complete shopping lists every day. There are no check outs and there's not the same point of sale advertising but they are set out in the same way so their staff can find things. 每天在店里穿梭浏览商品的不是顾客,而是推着手推车为顾客配货的店员。 这样的“幕后店”不设收银处,也没有任何促销宣传,不过为了方便员工搜寻货物,其陈列商品的方式与常规商店遥。