

自产绿遥食品 100

2016-07-19 00:00:00浏览:
自产绿遥食品 100  近几年,我们餐桌上的很多东西都经历了安全危机。
    100-foot diet is a diet that consists mostly or exclusively of food grown in one's garden.
  100-foot diet指餐桌上的食物大部分或者全部来自于自家花园产出的作物,称为“自产绿遥食品”。
  The 100-foot diet emphasizes on reducing one's carbon footprint by growing most of the food you consume closer to home, the distance from the garden to your dinner table is within 100 feet.
With health and affordability in mind, more people are taking the plunge and are growing their own fruits and vegetables.
  Major benefits of 100-foot diet include:  以下为“自产绿遥食品”的好处:  1.
Eat more nutritious food, which leads to better health  食品更有营养,有益身体健康  2.
Reduce your exposure to unwanted, toxic pesticides  减少接触遥的几率  3.
Increased food security  食品更加安全  4.
Reduce excessive packaging  减少过度包装  5.
Become independent of corporate food systems  不再依赖大众食品系统  相关阅读  流动的美食:巴士餐厅 Bustaurant  环保先锋“土食者” locavore