丑陋的 - 2第6课:丑陋的 - 2【迷你小对话1】A: If you want your boyfriend to forgive you, maybe you should try crying when you apologize.
B: That never works for me. If just makes my face look deformed. No guy likes to see a twisted, swollen, red face on his girlfriend! A: 如果你想让你的男朋友原谅你,也许你应该边哭边道歉。
B: 那个办法对我从来不管用,只会让我的脸看起来更难看。 没有哪个男人喜欢看自己的女朋友的脸扭曲着,又红又肿的! 【迷你小对话2】A: This is the most horrible portrait I have ever seen!
B: I agree! The model was ugly to begin with, but he painter has made her look completely grotesque! A: 这是我见过的较糟糕的一幅遥画!