nau, nav nav来自拉丁语名词 navis 的词干nav-,(ship船) nau来自拉丁语名词nauta 的词干naut-,(sailor 水 雅思阅读必备词汇:Day 2 1. nevertheless 然而、不过 2. creatively 具有创造遥地 3. stimulate 遥、激 第11课:不感兴趣的 - 2【迷你小对话1】A: Janet just asked Jack straight out what he’s plan 第14课:亲切的 - 2【迷你小对话】A: I really like your new boyfriend. He has the most winning 第15课:刻薄的 - 2【迷你小对话】A: Well, our company has been sold. All former employees have 第19课:吝啬的,贪婪的 - 2【迷你小对话】A: Why has Ellen been so petty when it comes to designing 第22课:诚实正直的 - 2【迷你小对话】A: The teacher was really upset about that broken window. T Interviewer: Have you ever worked as a tour guide? 你当过导游吗? Applicant: I have Interviewer: Have you obtained any certificate of technical qualifications or l 第8课:悲伤的 - 2【迷你小对话】A: Doctor, I feel so depressed. Nothing seems to make me happy