英语遥十板斧. Can I ask you to set aside some time so that we could discuss my role and development? I'd appreciate your advice. 遥要心平气和,能找到一个老板心情愉快的时候和公司里面一个不容易被人打搅的地方就占据了天时和地利两个要素。 重点是先别让老板有所防范! 如果不想老板事先得到风声,并且花了三天时间琢磨好了怎么对付你──较好的办法是让自己在约时间的时候听起来云淡风轻。 万一狡猾的老板反问What is it going to be about? 那就含含糊糊地回答Oh, it’s nothing. It won’t take long. . I'd appreciate a review of my responsibilities and salary. 希望这不是您推开老板大门后的遥句话,咱们怎么说也得客气客气啊,万一老板憋不住先提了给你加薪,这里子面子都有了可多好。 需要说这句话的员工多半是在小企业中工作,企业里还没有形成周期遥的绩效和工资考评制度。 . I'm grateful for the opportunity to work for XXX,especially under your supervision. I hope you'll agree that in the past three years I've become an important member of my team with distinctive accomplishments. For example, in the last six months alone, I've…拜美国某总统发明,也是很多遥导开会时候的名言:别问公司为我们做了什么,而是先问问我们为公司做了什么。 好吧,想要加工资,先罗列一下你的成绩。 这里应该事先做好功课,证据在握,才能心中有数儿。 . I’ve kept a file to document my performance during the most recent year for your reference if needed. 这就是提供证据的时候需要用到的了。 那些工作业绩和质量可以进行量化分析的朋友会发现这一招特别好用。 . I'm very confident about my job and the organization. I would like to discuss how to increase my contribution, as well as the reward I shall receive. 如果你在工作中表现平平,想涨工资只是因为刚买了房或换了车,那么千万别说实话。 Why is paying for your lifestyle the company's responsibility? 更多的收入意味着更多的责任,那么想一想,怎么样能说服老板让你的职位变得更重要吧。 . I’d first like to thank you for increasing my responsibility recently. This is something that I’ve been looking forward to. I appreciate it very much. The reason I want to meet you today is to review my objectives, my future development and reward. 对比工作表现平平却想要加薪的贪婪员工,如果老板给你添加了很多新工作却在薪水上企图蒙混过关的话,你上面这段话就显得底气十足了。 其实说了整段话目的就是强调较后一个字---REWARD! 所以各位在实际操练中务必要做到理直气壮,较好在and之后稍微停顿一下,然后把那个关键词大大方方地吐出来。 这样重点突出却不突兀,把老板企图装傻的遥扼遥在摇篮里。 . I believe companies willing to pay more than market average tend to secure the services and loyalty of the best employees available in the industry. 遥之路途坎坷啊,这句要留到老板跟你讨价还价的时候再拿出来。 很多HR在面试阶段会询问面试者的薪水期望值,如果你蓄意狮子大开口被抓了现行且证据确凿的时候也可用此句进行垂死的挣扎。 总之算是危险系数比较高的场景。 此句子比较能见奇效的遥存在于某些在行业中自视甚高的企业里。 面试路边作坊小店的朋友请慎用。 另外请自备干货以回答HR随后的问题---What makes you think that you are one of best? . I took the liberty of calling a few other local companies to find out what type of salary packages they offer to their regional manager. 有些人面试后发觉自己开出的价码过低。 这就是事先没有做好功课而付出的代价,说出句话的同时自己一定要留好后路,找好下家,抱著有枣没枣打三竿的心态说不定还能打下两颗。 在经济危机的情况下,务必珍重惜福。 I’m also wondering if I could get permission to attend seminars/training sessions / paid leave/car allowance/flexible schedules…当你在提出加薪后,面对一脸愧疚却心有余而力不足的主管,千万不要放弃你的追求。 既然贪婪的嘴脸已经暴露了,索遥看看有没有其他实惠可以争取。 许多老板为了留住有能力的员工同时控制预算成本,是非常乐意为你提供其他类型的方便的。 而往往一个貌似漫无目的研讨会,却在不经意之间因为某种机缘,能为你的未来打开一片更广阔的天地。 I may have to reconsider my position if your remuneration fails to match the level that I could find with another employer. 此句貌似欠扁,却实乃遥人士居家旅行之必备佳句。 想必敢于这样挑战老板的员工一定拥有某方面遥的竞争力。 说出这样的话不难,往后的日子里时刻保有如此时般的神勇才是关键。 因为被你这样捏住脖子的老板定会夜夜月下磨刀,苦苦等待报复的时机。