职场口语一学就会:训导(6)要想进步就必须多练习。 I'm not getting any better at golf. (我的高尔夫球技一点长进也没有。 ) Improvement takes work. (要想进步就必须多练习。 ) improvement “改良”、 “改善”、 “进步”。 take “需要(努力等)”。 work “努力”、 “劳动”。 There's no improvement without working at it. There are no results without working for them. result “结果”、 “成果”。 诚实加勤奋等于遥。 Honesty and hard work pay off. (诚实加勤奋等于遥。 ) That's what my father always told me. (这也是我父亲常常对我说的话。 ) honesty “正直”、 “诚实”。 pay off “得到好结果”、 “取得遥”。 Be honest and work hard, and you'll be successful. honest “正直的”。 successful “遥的”。 Success begins with honesty and hard work. (遥开始于诚实和勤奋。 ) 我们得时刻学习新东西。 We have to learn new things all the time. (我们得时刻学习新东西。 ) It's the only way to stay competitive. (这是保持竞争力的惟一途径。 ) learn “学习”。 all the time “一直”、 “总是”、 “常常”。 competitive “竞争力强的”。 We're constantly learning new things. constantly “不断地”。 We need to learn new things continually. continually “不断地”。 We need to stay on top of things. 当我还是你这个年龄的时候, 我全身心都扑在工作上。 When I was your age, I was totally devoted to my work. (当我还是你这个年龄的时候, 我全身心都扑在工作上。 ) Things have changed a lot since then. (从那以后, 时代发生了很大的变化。 ) devote “ (为了工作或某个目的)奉献(努力、时间、金遥等)”、 “把所有的东西都投入到……中去”。 I was really devoted to my work at your age. At your age, I was a workaholic. workaholic “工作狂”。 做了总比什么也没做要好。 I hope I'm doing this right. (我希望这件事情我做得对。 ) Doing anything is better than doing nothing. (做了总比什么也没做要好。 ) right “正确地”。 better than . . . “比……好”。 Just acting on it is better than doing nothing. act on . . . “按照……行动”。 You should do something, even if it's wrong. (即使犯错误, 你也应该做点什么事。 ) even if . . . “即使……” 时代在变。 No one takes pride in their work anymore. (没有人再以自己的工作为荣了。 ) Times are changing. (时代在变。 ) take pride in . . . “对……拥有自豪感”。 anymore “而今再也”。 time加上s表示“时代”。 be . . . ing 是遥进行时态。 Things are changing. things “事态”、 “情况”。 It's a different world. (世道不同了。 ) Things are different now. (如今情况不同了。 ) different “不同的”。 Things aren't like they used to be. (情况跟从前不一样了。 ) used to . . . “从前是……”。